Channeled Information through Pat Crosby from the Cosmic Council of Light, The Lemurian Council, The Angels of Forgiveness, Reshell (Feminine aspect of Lord Metatron), and Archangel Michael


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Saturday, March 11, 2023

Double 7 Years  

Transitions Within Transitions 

Pat Crosby with the Cosmic Council

2023 is a 7 year. In Lemurian numerology, 7 portends many great changes. People in their 70s are also entering the decade of transition. This is a decade where one is outgrowing and shedding previous inundations of who one was. These ideations served for a prior stage of life - but will now begin to weigh heavily as you enter the next phase of your experiences on this planet. 

So whether it is you, a loved one, and any other persons you know in their 70’s, here is some helpful information to navigate this chapter on the human timelines. 

7 is time for the old energy patterns to go - along with the old physical items. These old patterns and old things once served you very well in previous stages. But if you try to hold onto them now that you are outgrowing - and have outgrown - them, it will only hold you back. Their weighing on you will keep you feeling more and more stagnated. You are an evolving soul - so if you try to keep yourself at a prior level, there will be increasing tensions between your old patterns, and the new ones trying to come in. Many people get stuck at this gateway. 

7 - The Lemurian number of transitions - is pressing hard on you to move forward. For humans, the energy of change is often met by the oppositional forces of inertia, doubt, and fear. You know what has worked in the past. The known gives thoughts of leaving well enough alone. 

Why give up a good thing, leaping off a cliff into the unknown? This is the fear parachute jumpers encounter when they first learn to jump. Free fall into space at 150 MPH? Whoa! But your soul team and your higher self are right there beside you. They will catch you. They open your chute at the perfect moment - to guide and calibrate your momentum for a perfect landing. 

Those who resist the incoming impending energies are not spared. They begin to stagnate. And/or shut down. They barricade their hearts and minds. The old energies press on all the systems of their body: Physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, social, passion. Something’s gotta give. When one moves into fear instead of curiosity, passion, and enthusiasm, the energy begins to choke off the life force. It throttles your evolutionary journey. You miss so many golden opportunities to explore new territory as an evolving soul in an evolving body. 

The physical body has its own timeline. As a conscious soul, you come to respect this vessel that has allowed you to enter the experiential realm of the embodied elements. You have a physical container that has physical sensory organs. You are in a world of physical objects that you can spend lifetimes exploring. Your physical body has a seemingly endless capacity for experiencing all kinds of tastes, smells, sights, emotions, sensations, ideations. 

As you tune in more and more to your higher soul self and activate your conscious connection to your soul self and the spirit guidance realm, coinciding with having more time as the demands of career and family lessen, you have the opportunity for more focus on your conscious specific spiritual evolutionary process. 

This opportunity for spiritual focus and exploration has been one reserved for monks, hermits, and mystics. Now, in this grand stage of earthly life, you have a lifetime of memories to savor, to process, and to mine for the wisdom gold contained therein. 

In today’s information age, your self exploration and digestion of lifetime(s) of experiences is truly a golden treasure mining period in your life stages and experiences. It behooves embodied ones to learn how to maximize physical health as much as possible. 

If your journey includes illness, you have an opportunity from a soul perspective to study the effects of illness on your emotions, your thoughts, your beliefs, your energy system. Where and when do you feel disconnected from the ever present spirit? What false and limited beliefs rise up in your face and threaten to drown you in misinformation? As a conscious spiritualized human being, this is part of your earth walk that presents a whole new group of challenges. It is up to you to work them and pan the gold therein, or give up and feel drained and hopeless. 
Published Sedona Journal
March 2023 issue

As always, we continue to walk side by side in tandem on your earth walk. You may or may not be aware of our presence, for we are in a different dimensional layer than you. Yet we are connected at the hip - so to speak. An energetic hip forged in mutual love, admiration, wonder, and respect. 

We hold you in the Creator’s Light. 

Pat Crosby with the Cosmic Council

C 2023 Pat Crosby

 Creative Commons distribution license. 
You may republish as long as all links are left intact, 
it is not for sale, 
and the content is left fully intact as written, 
and full credit to website and author are honored.

Images courtesy free image search on Duck Duck Go

Further Reading 

How Master Souls and Mediums Connect - The Passing of Kahu Fred Sterling, Medium for Kirael

Predictions 2023 - Holy Shifting Timelines

The Spectacular Bejewelling of Your Light Body

5th Dimensional Pyramid of Light Healing. Guided Meditation

The Mary Collective and Evolving Mary Magdalene - WHO/WHAT is the Mary Collective

Creative Crazy 

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