Channeled Information through Pat Crosby from the Cosmic Council of Light, The Lemurian Council, The Angels of Forgiveness, Reshell (Feminine aspect of Lord Metatron), and Archangel Michael


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Sunday, April 10, 2022

Star Travelers: Do you Feel Shipwrecked on an Abandoned Island? Soul Reading by Pat Crosby of ELeeSee

Star Travelers: Do you Feel Shipwrecked on an Abandoned Island?

A Lightworker Soul Study by Pat Crosby with the Cosmic Council

A Tribute to our Elder Lightworkers Who have Held the Torch 50, 60, 70, 80, 90+... Years til these Ascension Times

90 years of light service decoded

When the time comes to incarnate again - this time as a human - your soul pulls many veils over your higher consciousness. This sad (from average human consciousness) but true fact of spiritual service can cause much consternation among the humans involved.

WHY am I on this dark planet? WHY can’t I remember my light? Your magnificent soul story is usually totally forgotten - with rare glimpses given in dreams and mini flashes of that which is beyond the veil.

How many lightworkers are certain they have incarnated into the wrong family - and, as children, dream of being a prince or princess, or angel, or fairy, or esteemed spiritual human.

How many children secretly play act, fantasizing as Mother Mary, or Jesus, or other light beings of their culture. Maybe Superman? Or Wonder Woman?

How many years have these lightworkers suffered under the veils of ignorance?

When it gets too much - the not remembering who you really are as a soul - much acting out can occur: Drugs, drinking, profligate attempts to reconnect - all vain attempts to smash the veils asunder and remember once again “I AM the light”.

Thus it is in my work helping souls remember. My own personal journey required decades of being in ignorance - desperately longing for what I knew not - until the time came for my spiritual awakening. Then I began to remember, little by little bit - paced to what I could incorporate into my 3D human knowing. Luckily, the glimpses of spiritual peace and harmony kept me going through the dark and swampy trials of the journey of forgetfulness.

And now, awakening lightworkers continue to pull back the veils and remember who they really are. A whole nother big step in the journey is beginning to understand the purpose of an incarnation in terms of ascension service.

As many channels have brought forth, when we leave the planet, we do a data dump into the planetary grids and the akash. Every little action of our human experience - rather it seems big or minutely insignificant - is tabulated. The experiences of being incarnate humans is invaluable research for the ongoing evolutionary development for humanity and all the intersecting multidimensional and quantum grids.

I’ve had many many many exhilarating encounters with the majesty and mystery of spirits incarnating into this dimension in my spiritual consultancy practice. 

My recent client, a highly committed galactic lightworker, has given her permission to share some of her journey - to both console as well inspire other lightworkers. Here are highlights of her journey with universal application to our lightworker family. 

As she incarnated before the planetary war (great war - version 2) in 1931, her soul/human experienced many trials and tribulations of the 3D struggles. The early half of her life, she had no remembrance of her soul and its greater mission here on earth. During this phase, she went through the normal wife and mother programs - yet feeling no magnetism to these roles - as if she were in a detached dream.

Once her awakening time came, she shed that previous human identity and adopted her conscious soul identity. She changed her earth name to her angel name as she heard in her meditation - in everyday life as well as legally. She moved about the United States several times during these years (as it turned out - doing grid work that she was not yet humanly aware of during these years of her life).

Her story illustrates and resonates with what so many lightworkers experience. She offers her story as her birthday present after 90 years incarnate on this planet. This story is offered with the intention that it brings some light to your understanding of your own - and others journeys - and shows what magnificent beings that you humans are!

Eleesee - a Galactic Ray Weaver

Holding Space and Opening Portals​​

Sound Vibrations of Eleesee

Means: "pledged to God"

Intone in the highest possible soprano with elongated vowels


Eeeeee is the angel vibration.

EL is the angel prefix.


Andalusia is a French/Spanish region on the Mediterranean Sea. Jesus walked there. You were there with Mary Magdalene and the early mystic Christians. You represented and held the star beam from another galaxy and held the portal open. It is a galactic portal from another dimension. You are a transducer into this dimension.

You have done this on many planetary systems, in many forms. In this lifetime, you are of the biological animal form of upright breathing two sided brain - human variety.

After many lifetimes of service in this way, you were curious of what the human element was like. You wanted to experience this biological entity human form. Your guides did tell you it would be an intense constriction of your energy. You wanted to try it anyway.

Hence many support structures and entities were placed to go on this journey of contraction. You are working with Babaji and Sananda on this project.

Your Orb

The multicolored star testifies to your many variations of forms and frequencies you have enjoyed during your vast soul circle of incarnations. Each radiation of your soul star is like a badge of honor for each assignment you have successfully completed. The center of the star is your soul. You are indeed a multi complex, multi dimensional explorer.

Published Sedona Journal
June 2022

Eleesee from Andaluseea

Andaluseea (Andalusia) is a great portal entry onto this planet. Jesus went there to absorb that ray - as did Mary Magdalene and many other saints. ELEESEE

Andalulia is another galaxy. It shoots an energetic ray onto this planet - anchoring in Andalusia, Spain. Your physical body has akashic DNA connections here.

Your move to the Southwest in the US is to tie in the rays held by the native tribes there - who also hold galactic rays in place. As you have been guided to move around in this lifetime to this place, the grid of this galactic ray consciousness is being put into place. You are an integral ray weaver in this new bridge of light being built. Your soul knows - even as your veiled human self is incognito - to best serve your soul mission. No spoiler alerts allowed!

You are weaving light - a light blanket - a new grid  

You are weaving in the higher dimensions. Weaving energy is strong in the Southwest - as many tribes there weave beautiful blankets for protection, beauty, and encoding spiritual wisdom. The knowers in these traditions are simultaneously weaving multidimensionally. When you first came to the Southwest, your soul magnetized you to a great weaving project. The Honor Quilt project activated your soul memories and purpose of weaving light beams interdimensionally.

As you began to weave threads physically, you also began to remember your galactic inheritance and mission of ray weaving. It is your great honor and your great gift to hold this beam of light in place for the building of the new earth.

How long am I gonna be here?

We are sorry your human part is bored. To understand the human dimension is - again - the reason you chose to have a human body experience. The data you have collected is invaluable in the galactic archives - for which you are a researcher on location on planet earth, human format. 

Even what you call your boredom - is important for studying how the human brain and nervous system react and stabilize to the decrease in external stimuli which you experience in your pared down lifestyle in the latter years of your human journey. 

It’s important individually and collectively to move the human energy bodies. Do it to whatever extent is comfortable for you at any given time. Do not push yourself.

Eleesee is an intergalactic time traveler, scout, and explorer. Right now, she feels shipwrecked on an abandoned island. That is not unusual for starworker travelers.

You have accepted this assignment on planet earth to collect data about how galactic light codes and resultant evolution intersect with evolving biology systems that are infused with higher consciousness - ie evolving humans.

Your Beautiful Orb

Notice it represents your time traveling soul whirling thru the galactic skies. Your most recent galactic “home” is 3 galaxies away from this one. As your soul passed through the different dimensional gateways, it collected orienting beams of light. These antennae, so so speak, radiate from your circular twirling soul (merkaba) to both send and receive info and connections from these various way stations on your trip.

Notice that your soul travels in galactic time - so the expanses of time/space you have traveled through and from are not comprehensible to the current brain configuration of the relatively limited human information gathering capability​of the 5 senses - ie a 3D based human.

I’ve never had a big job. They say “Just Be”. Sananda - my higher self - says “just smile, be yourself”.

You are a radiating star. This diminution of your human powers is in no way lesser than. Rather, it is how great is your soul capacity to shapeshift it down to a little package of earth-based intelligence. Your kids and husband carry the galactic codes of your biological lineages. These codes transmit both through multidimensional DNA as well as radiate from your soul star configuration. Redundancy is part and parcel of how systems work.

In this hybrid capacity, you have both the ability to think/be/feel/ galactically while simultaneously thinking/feeling/being as a biological human. That is quite an accomplishment.

Your orb with the star in the middle is your soul compass and collection of achievement merit badges. 

Earth culture reflects this cosmic custom of rewarding and showing appreciation for your great deeds aligned with the Creator’s loving intentions by adding light configurations to your soul constellation. The various colors radiating from your core of golden light are tribute and homage to many deeds well done.


Light Warrior Goddess Soul!

When you read of the Lemurian heritage and other galactic memories, and a page turns purple, your soul memory fragments are activated and beginning to integrate. As you have many soul memories in many galactic cultures, you get a memory flash flood of the frequency vibration perceived as purple though your earth based sensory system - your vision. 

You are right: Your soul self is giving your human self a great big huge sign that all is well as your akashic memory banks are beginning to flow into human remembrance.

You are validating so much I was in confusion about. I’m gonna have to be more accepting - longer than I thought. I went down to the river; I told God I came here to do what I came to do. I’ll be a good sport about being here on planet earth

Human culture and bodies have not yet been able to decipher and decode many of these higher awarenesses. You are definitely a wayshower, anchor and source of spreading this paradigm capacity into the earth plane - as the times are ripe to receive these transmissions.

Again, we say congratulations, Eleesee, for staying the course. We know the human part of your journey is hard right now as your human body lifespan is going through its winding down period. Simultaneously, your soul remembrances are increasing. 

Use this time now, with your decreasing mobility and sensory abilities, to reflect and contemplate the greatness of this universe, and the great part you play in it. No doubt you have many spiritual books to contemplate and study for deeper levels of meanings. If you are drawn to it, the Indian epic Mahabharata goes deeper into these cosmic issues.

Thank you for reaching out to us for guidance and confirmation that all is well. Yours is a great journey. We have the greatest appreciation for your journey, and remind you to do so also - as you look beyond the limitations of your biology to the greatness of your soul. 

You are returning to what you knew before you did the hero’s journey of squeezing yourself into a little box called “human”. That is some major shapeshifting!

We remain with you. Continue to ask us to guide and comfort you through these most progressive and topsy turvey times. You are beyond, before, and after this temporary turbulence. Ask your spiritual guides in general or whoever comes through for support, sustenance, and guidance as you continue your earth walk.

Do I have contact with Babji and Sananda when I am off this planet?

You are eternally connected to Babaji and Sananda. You all work together on a soul level as part of the Creator’s work team on this special grid building​ project. It is a galactic project - of which earth is a​n important node.

When I leave here, where am I going?

There is no place to go. You have already arrived!

Excelsior! Eleesee!

We hold you in the Creator’s Light

Pat Crosby with the Cosmic Council

C 2022 Pat Crosby

Images: DuckDuckGo Free image search

Article may be republished as long as it is without charge, republished in its completeness, and full credit to the author and link back 
to the original post here.

Dear Lovely Readers,

Eleesee's story gives some glimpses of the intersection of our human and soul self in our lightworker journey. I think it holds relevance for many who are questioning the who, what, and why of our human incarnation. Eleesee has given permission to share her story - which is a universal lightworker story - though I have redacted any personal identifying details. Her story is offered both in tribute to the many elder lightworkers as well as to help us all with understanding what we are doing here on this strange, great, and amazing planet.

Comments are welcome. Submit below, or email to


We are thankful ELeeSee shared her story. I'm sure some of our readers can identify with her journey. What a blessing. 
Love & light,

Editor, Sedona Journal

I woke up and saw this wonderful email that you sent out about one of your clients journeys!


That was wonderful Pat!

Pat, thank you!!! I read this yesterday and today I find myself reflecting on how long I have really been on my journey of becoming who I am here to be. I thought it was 10 or 20 years, but now I know it has been my whole life! I can see it clearly. Wow! I needed this reflection and contemplation. It really brings into the light that I have always been exactly where I am meant to be, and I always will be. So grateful for your post and the journey of reflection that it lead me to. Sending out deep gratitude and love.

Thanks for sharing this Pat! My head is finally clear enough for me to have been able to make all the way through the transcription.

You have given me much food for thought around our/my multidimensional and multi-planetary/galactic existences and connections!

Thank you again for sharing this with us, and I look forward to you sharing more of your awareness, gifts and talents!

I honor you and your ability and service of channeling entities that assist others to find peace now, and to realize the Divinity that is within us all, and that we are here to remember and find and share the love that we all truly are!


Thank you for this Pat. I have recently experienced much loss, I have been on a path of surrender and trust for the longest while. I relocated to a small town in mid January 22. I have hankered to move here for many years. I now live in Kwazulu Natal, South Africa and we have recently experienced the worst possible flooding and damage due to a sun tropical storm. I knew I was meant to be here, that I am a grid worker/keeper. Despite the trauma and total destruction, no water as pipes were damaged, I am at peace being here. Durban is on the Nilotic meridian which is purging and cleansing right now

Dear Pat,

Much relevance in this post! Many thanks to both of you.

Lately looking at hypno material of a friend in 2016  on the subject of "encapsulations of time." Means something like collecting together all the beautiful and good in one's life to carry forward to one's "next project" ... meaning for all of spacetime. I saw it recently in a dream as "colorful packets" on a conveyor belt amid a lot of gray ones. I had a computer to select the colorful packets and let the rest go to recycling...

A, email

Re-reading Eleesee this AM. So helpful!
A, email

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