2022 - A Year for Mastery of Truth
Pat Crosby with the Cosmic Council
But First, More Shifting Must Occur in 2022
As you are hearing everywhere, remaining in your central core of truth and light is imperative to making it through these times. Your spiritual teachers - great and small - known and unknown - are emphasizing staying in YOUR center, staying in YOUR truth, recovering and maintaining YOUR sovereignty. All while connecting to your God cell and higher wisdom. And to your pure heart of unconditional love.
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Your courts and legal systems are overturning all kinds of rocks - looking for hidden gems of truth amidst the forensic mountains of evidence, combing public documents - demanding long hidden files be open for all to inspect. Media is going berserk with new discoveries in public awareness each and every hour.
There is No Rest for Those Weary - And Yet Fascinated - by ALL that is Coming into Light
Like any surgery, this exploration is messy. Much rot and decay is coming into the light.
In the 2021 message to you: “Diamonds Under Pressure”, we effused the beauty of your evolving light bodies. We held out this image of you being squeezed and squeezed and squeezed til all your lower vibration density was transmuted into gold light and rainbow gems in your emerginging crystalline bodies - programmed with the powerful truth and immense beauty of the higher reachers of creation inself. That process continues - and is expanding with its power. This journey offers you the potential of the ages to transform and enlighten yourself. You are living in a golden opportunity for spiritual evolution.
You can Expect a LOT More Revealing in 2022
The support for this journey of transformation under pressure is supported by the expansion of your tools for learning and healing. Subjects that were taboo even 10 years ago are now mainstream. Prince and Princess Charming do not have to keep up the fantasy pretense. No, the fantasy Charmings are coming out of their royal closets to tell you exactly how it’s going down behind closed doors. The Charmings are exhausted and suffocating from all the pretense that encased the old paradigm of keeping the upper lip stiff.
Where is the healing in that? Where is the joy in that? Where is the ability to smile with life in that? Political order and stability pillars are being redesigned. It is no longer important to keep up the facade. No, indeed, completed pillars are also being undercut by the tsunami of change.
It is Critical for Tears to Flow -
And Hearts to Soften and Open in 2022
It is a well known observation that humans dislike change very much. Indeed, they will fight to the death for old ways, old customs. Those who have staked their identity on external norms are having a hard time holding on right now. The power of change is getting stronger and stronger.
So what about you, Individual Human? Are you getting stronger and stronger? As you are forced to train for the tsunami olympics - day by day - witnessing things you could have never imagined, being scared out of your habits by the sheer driving power of the course, hanging on to flotation devices through hell and high water.
The choice remains yours. Do you use each wave as chin ups? Do you use each wave to pull yourself up even higher? As you survive each wave, do your swimming muscles get just a little bit stronger? Sometimes you get water up your nose - so you spit and sputter. That is normal in training and in the olympics. But what do you do with that water? Choke on it? Swallow it and swim on? Spit it out and snort? Do you let it overcome you?
But that is what self compassion is for. Do you beat yourself up for being weak? Or see the challenge of chinning up? When you feel you have failed, do you step back with appreciation for how far you have come - even as you can only guess how far you have yet to go?
Do you give up old thoughts? Old paradigms? Old wounds? Old systems? Do you ask the Angels of Forgiveness and other higher frequency beings to assist you to disentangle - individually and collectively as you cast your intentions for higher resolutions out on the cosmic waters?
Training can feel exhausting. Yet each time you pursue just a little bit farther, you get just a little bit stronger. And that is the win of the game, isn’t it? Getting just a little bit stronger. Perhaps at a pace that you cannot measure while you are in the drink. But to a bystander in the stands, your journey is amazing. Powerful. Exciting to see the new heights you are reaching in the intense workouts.
Perhaps you imagined ascension to be a walk in the park, a stroll on the beach, a piece of cake. Aah - dream on - dear Champions. Your time of rest will come - but right now, there is an olympics to win, soul medals to achieve. Your companions, the trainers, the fans are galaxy class. You are being coached to keep on swimming - and don’t let the idiots get you down! And don’t you be an idiot!
But just in case you slip and do something idiotic, don’t worry. The trainers, audience, and judges give you endless opportunities to pick yourself up and go to the next level. What did Buddha conclude after his training was complete: Ah - not too little, not too much. Just right. Not too tight, not too loose. Indeed, the middle way leads to perfection. To quote Goldilocks: Not too hot! Not too cold! Just right!
So as you gage your own training success in 2022, remember the wisdom of the sages great and small - from on top of the fabled sacred mountain, to the neighbor next door, to the elohim, to the wee fairy folk: Not too much, not too little - but always just right.
Training in Your Daily Life in 2022
Know you are in training. Training doesn’t last forever. Training runs its course. Then training reaches its benchmark. Then you are ready for the show. Then you are ready to be measured. The feather of balance shows you yourself how far you have come. You can then realise how far you choose to go yet.
We remind you - you choose to come here. You choose to train. You choose to be in these olympics. You are not weak. You are galactic class. You have done many marathons in your soul history.
When you are out to sea and can’t see the lifeboats, and the water is spluttering inside your mouth and you are wondering if all is lost, suddenly, a flash of a white flag, and over the next wave, you see the safety boat - right in your line of sight. They’ve got you in their beam. You are on their radar. You were never lost at sea. No - your training boat was right with you - seen or unseen in the struggle to chin up to the next level.
Feeling lost at sea is also part of your training - for you are developing your emotional body strength - a body that also develops through workouts. In the recent past, the emotional body was stifled. Blocked. Disengaged. Punished. That strategy was for the lessons of another time - learning the dark side. But those strategies no longer serve, Indeed, they choke you up with seawater up your nose. These times call for the arms of clarity, truth, evolution, finding your way through - not survival coping. Those hanging on to the jetsam of an abandoned strategy are having a harder time staying afloat - as their “life rafts” are actually dissolving in the sea of changes.
Sea of Changing 2022
External conditions - many of which dominate world news headlines - serve a higher purpose of allowing souls who have completed their current earth lesson plans, to move on - often en masse. These completed lesson souls have a glorious team of escorts on the other side, assisting them to leave this earthly plane behind as they plan their next soul journey. We can expect to see more and more of these rocking and rolling events over the next few years - as the earth and all her inhabitants continue to recalibrate to the incoming frequencies. As more and more portals open, more and more light codes enter the earth and human domain. Those who attune and magnetize to them, will continue their lesson plans here. Others are guided to their right and perfect vibrational fit. You can steer your own ship by continuing to heal your wounds and raise your frequency.
The cosmic time wheels have turned counterclockwise ⅙ turn in the second half of 2021. So more new paradigms and lesson plans are poised to enter our planetary consciousness. You haven’t seen anything yet! Hold on for a wild ride yet to come. It will be exciting - so prepare for more grand adventures, Ye Warriors of the Light! Stay steady in YOUR truth - the soul mastery of who you truly are.
Things that will Continue to Intensify in 2022 -
A Year of Mastery
Many things that have been put in motion over the past years will continue to pick up speed and momentum.
Divine feminine archetypes are gaining speed and momentum as the patriarchal paradigm continues to recalibrate and rebalance. At critical mass, this shift may manifest through their historic iconography - such as Mary Magdalene. Her spirit is especially poised to heal the wounding of the divine femine in human beings - as it has manifested in sexual trauma, repression, and manipulation. These scourges of the feminine energy are being pushed back as the ongoing balancing of the divine feminine and masculine continues with greater and greater force as momentum grows.
The Lemurian energy grid of unconditional love is increasingly effulgent as it swells with birthing more and more golden light Creator particles into the planetary matrix - swallowing the darkness and metabolizing it into light.
Light code formations are getting more and more frequent with greater complexity as they usher new and continually complex multidimensional paradigms into this planetary grid - and as humanity evolves to receive - and then activate them - in our multidimensional matrix.
People are becoming more and more able to receive and integrate galactic and cosmic light codes. Most of this work is happening subconsciously. Although more and more lightworkers are able to actually see the codes and colors, frequencies and sounds enter them and integrate. It is very beautiful to observe.
More and more humans will come to see that the galactic neighbors are us in 2022. It is not about we and them. Or we vs. them. It is We are Them - and they are us. Our understanding is unifying.
Things we don’t even know exist will come into your world. You cannot be prepared - except to be prepared for something totally new. See reference to the turning of the cosmic wheel in 2021 above.
The Great Mystery continues to rotate, play, and evolve. 2022 abounds with uncharted waters. Anything can happen. Wild cards will be frequent. Buckle up! And Stand Your Ground!
Stay Grounded in your Stand. Yes. That’s Right. We say it again. Over and Over. STAND Your GROUND! Ground in Truth - the first and primary principle of conscious creation. It is the only way to see your way through.
The energies of 2022 support you mightily in your efforts to increase your truth discovery, awareness, and implementation.
Do not be misguided by the chaos of those fighting being in truth. You be a beacon for truth - grounded in the unconditional love of the Goddess light, and the stalwart truth of the Creator.
Truth is above the duality dimension of taking sides. Truth is unconditional love.
I wish you great success in 2022
I Hold You in the Creator’s Light
I Hold You in the Creator’s Light
Excelsior - Going Higher!
Pat Crosby with the Cosmic Council
Pat Crosby with the Cosmic Council
Copyright Pat Crosby 2021
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Republished from Sedona Journal, Nov 2021. On sale in bookstores, and online.
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Just read your article on Getting Stronger: A Year for Mastery of Truth. Thank you so much. Fabulous.
Wishing you well and sending unconditional love.
Nancy Eos MD
Wishing you well and sending unconditional love.
Nancy Eos MD
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