Channeled Information through Pat Crosby from the Cosmic Council of Light, The Lemurian Council, The Angels of Forgiveness, Reshell (Feminine aspect of Lord Metatron), and Archangel Michael


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Sunday, June 22, 2008

6.22.08 What Happened To YOU On The Solstice. Ra-chell (Reshel) Pat Crosby. Text & Audio

What Happened To YOU On The Solstice of June 21, 2008
Channeled Transmission from the Golden Mountain Sanctuary.

Ra-Chell ( Reshel )through Pat Crosby.

AUDIO of the following transmission at
7:44 minutes


Hello Dear Friends of Light,

I am Ra-chell, of planetary service to our lightworker friends on earth, in the galaxy of love beyond time and space.

Today is another momentous day in a string of golden pearls that are here to enrich and fortify your planned and spontaneous experiences of your embodied sojourn on the glorious golden and water planet you refer to as earth.

Some call her Mother Ship Gaia. Each language on your planet has a special name of reverence and awe for the beautiful mother on whose body they live. And from her bountiful body they draw their sustenance.

Much has happened in the celestial realms of late. And consequently, much has happened on your mother earth body as well. And consequently, much has happened in YOUR bodies.

For as a babe is tied to its mother through the umbilical cord, and then the breast milk... the enriching sustaining fluids of the mother are transmitted to the to the offspring even so.

Isn't it a wonderful journey of joy and companionship. Nurturing, sustaining, growth. Not only of the form of the babe, but also the consciousness of the mother. And the participating father.

What new mother has not observed in awe how her delicate and amazing babe re-unites her to the divine consciousness that her veiled time on earth has blocked more and more as time swam by.

But to grow the new life form within the intimacy of one's body, to deliver the gift of the new life unto this planet amid the blood, sweat, and tears of joy and accomplishment, and then to gaze with rapt wonder and awe into the eyes of the fresh newborn spirit onto this earth plane is an experience that can only be lived to fully appreciate.

Yet even in the telling of it, we remember our own un-founded joy of reuniting in our own spirit light whenever we contemplate the delicacy of the veil between the born and the unborn. The born and the newly born. Similarly, the embodied and the recently passed over. Passed over into the high dimensions of love and light.

This solstice time of 2008 is another quickening of the birthing journey into higher consciousness that you have all undertaken. Oh, Lucky Souls that you are - to be birthed one more time into a higher vibrating dimension. To glimpse anew with new-born wonder into the freshly revealed dimensions that your human intelligence is only beginning to understand.

Do not fret! All unfolds in a perfectly designed divine sequence. There is nothing to fear, to regret, to polish, to attain.

Just enjoy the new vistas that your new birthing day has unveiled for You!

Yours in the most perfect of love and light.

I Am, Your Friend in Ascension & Unfoldment,



Hello Lightworker Friends,

How did you spend your solstice? I went up to the beautiful gateway on our Golden Mountain and prayed for the spread of unconditional love and forgiveness to flow through the planetary grid systems. And through ME!

I felt and soaked up all the radiations of love and good will that were being created and broadcast by like-minded people that were circulating in the planetary light waves.

I invoked the loving presence of my spirit guide friends, and enjoyed their guidance, council, and loving embrace. Deep in my heart, was a deep stirring of the revolving rays of healing for all the past errors of judgement and mistakes which we have all made as we journeyed through the thick and confusing and befuddling obfuscating mud of our own confused and limited creations of the past.


In response to the request of some of our new newsletter signups at I enclose the following links to help you through this journey of rapid expansion underway on this planet.

ASCENSION SYMPTOMS - click on NEWEST Energy Alert - check the current weather report. Also the Gabril Overview 2008.

Please remember to align with the new planetary energies. BREATHE the golden light particles 50 times daily. Breathe them in through the top of your head, to your pineal (3rd eye), to your thymus, to your heart, throughout your whole body system.
Breath OUT through your nose, while holding the golden prana particles INSIDE yourself.
More on Golden Particle Prana Breathing at



Are you discharging a lot of mucus? Mucus carries old energy patterns out of your body. So keep blowing and discharging. You can utilize the I FORGIVE & I RELEASE mantras to carry out the old energies that surface with the rise of old memory traces.

Is your muscular-skeletal system releasing a lot of old stuck energies. Especially if you are doing the golden prana particle breathing and release work, you may find your spine and neck region releasing and letting go.

The product I like to support and nutrify my physical system and cellular consciousness is a high frequency juice made of seaweed, aloe vera, and Russian adaptogen herbs. This combination is very detoxifying and easy to drink. Detoxifying your physical system is essential to raising your vibration. If you feel drawn to use this product, see

I got some funny toys from the dollar store this week. A silly green squeeze ball with protruding eyes. I just laughed and laughed when I saw it. So I bought two of them. I love squeezing it... it strangely calms and relaxes my nervous system. Plus I smile and laugh every time I see them. I realize my inner child needed some play time!
And toys! A good antidote to Constantly Negative News the matrix is putting out.

Do you have plants around you? Plants hold the nourishing sustaining life force. It is such a joy to see the unfolding panorama of flowers - from buds, to full blooms, to setting seeds for future growth in my little flower pot collection. Also, watching the cherry tomatoes grow in size and vibrancy every day is a very powerful waking eye meditation that keeps me centered on the daily life force that is alive and thriving on this planet - amidst all the chaos and transitioning. Plus I am looking forward to eating them and receiving the abundant gifts of planet earth into my system in the very near future :)

It is the simple things that illustrate the timeless simple truths that are so nurturing right now.



I am now getting to the tail end of my big moving project, so will be ready to travel with the Forgiveness Gold workshops again. Please let me know if you would like to sponsor one near you.

Private spiritual counseling sessions now available to help you through the planetary shifting process - physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually

To YOUR Successful Ascension Outcome,

Pat Crosby

Are you being guided to find a healing retreat center? This one is fully charged and ready to go.

Copyright 2008, Pat Crosby

You are welcome to forward and publish this information non-commercially as long as full credit, source and links are given.

Pat Crosby

Voicemail 1.845.434.3829 US
SKYPE UniversalPat

"One can study a caterpillar forever and not understand scenario butterfly." R. Buckminster Fuller