Channeled Information through Pat Crosby from the Cosmic Council of Light, The Lemurian Council, The Angels of Forgiveness, Reshell (Feminine aspect of Lord Metatron), and Archangel Michael


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Friday, July 22, 2022

The Mary Collective and Evolving Mary Magdalene Grid by Pat Crosby


WHO/WHAT is the Mary Collective

The Mary Collective and Evolving Mary Magdalene Grid

Pat Crosby with the Cosmic Council

How unconditional love of the divine mother is expanding during these

rapidly evolving and tumultuous times

WHO is Mary?

A loving being known to us in western culture as Mary has been coming to many of us in various and individual ways. As we shared these connections within our circles and sessions in casual and group conversations, we were inspired to give name to something called “The Mary Collective”. It turned out that some had been writing messages from Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, and Jesua for decades - and were only too happy to find others similarly inspired to share profound stories of healings of heart aches, illnesses, relationships, trauma, and ancestral lineages.

The energy we are calling the Mary Collective includes Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene as well as other energies going by different names in different cultures. All shared a great heart presence and wisdom knowing of a loving mother energy. 

During conversations and sessions over years, Mother Mary, and the glorious Magdalene energies would burst in with help - both channeled verbally as well as felt by huge increments of heart expanding healing love. Out of our group conversations, the name “The Mary Collective” came into our consciousness and is gathering strength in this dimension at divine request and human yearning. It is the intent of this article that more of you will recognize and connect with this magnificent love portal available to anyone on earth who asks.This is a conscious co-creation.

It is this combined force speaking to you now - the Mary Collective

Humans can engage and communicate with any part of this Mary Collective energy by whichever name and resonance most pleases their heart and mind. The embodied Mary energies have experienced both the glorious divine light as well as the shadow overlays that come from descending into lower densities. They are a complete spectrum of healing knowledge and experience. The Mary Collective energies exist to heal all back into primal love. These experiences are patient and kind. Although mild mannered and gentle, they remain persistent - always looking for an opportunity to boost the vibration in any situation and help each soul resolve into higher understandings, solutions, and awarenesses. In such ways, the human soul, heart, and mind can evolve into increasing compassion for oneself, and for others.

The Mother Mary Mantra

Mother Mary is the human and earthly embodiment of the divine mother in the dimensions you know through the human brain capping a multidimensional nervous system with both conscious and unconscious components. As you zoom out into other dimensions beyond the physical earth ones, you see layers upon layers of shimmering dimensional veils. 


Signature Sound Vibration: Maa Ree

As she has had  these persona for a few millennia in your culture, time, space, myth, and memory, she has the sound vibration Maa Ree.

MAA - the syllable of the creatrix - the divine mother - who transduces thought into form through her mystical wonder women capabilities.

REE - the high frequency of the angelic realms - those who wholeheartedly support the creative intentions - through thick, and thin, hi and low frequencies.

Through thousands of years of records and storytelling, her persona is absorbed and carried by many now on earth. These scattered bits of her frequency signatures are now being called back together from their exploratory missions to become a unified healing force on this planet. Her energy signature holds the magnetic healing force of unconditional love. It is this energy you most experience when you encounter her through her different formats and persona - such as Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene.These two forms are most popularly known; they are just two among myriads of different cultural iconographies of the divine loving all accepting nurturing mother force of the universe.

As you zoom out into other dimensions beyond the physical earth ones, you see layers upon layers of dimensional veils.

As the divine mother energy enters into these slower vibrating frequency zones, her energetic signature slows and she is able to assume shapes and forms perceived by the earth embodied creatures. Species equipped to perceive higher bands in the upper range of earth frequencies can perceive her energetic signature in other formats - as do bats, birds, bees, insects, flies, cats - for instance in other species with differing sense perception abilities.As she slows her frequency even more, and compressors her light molecules, she is able to take forms in different dimensions - including as a human persona in the 3rd dimension.

Never think this force is weak. It is the creative driving force of the universe. 

She can bring worlds and cells into form. She is also the embodiment of tough love. Goddess

myths of many cultures tell of the fierce nature of the divine feminine protecting the order of the cosmos - shapeshifting into fierce warrior goddesses when necessary. In the Indian Purana cosmic stories, the enchantress Mohini distracted the evil demons during the great battle of good and evil. (Feminine Mohini was actually a shapeshift for the god of preservation, Vishnu - demonstrating the perfection of balance in the cosmic masculine and cosmic feminine.) White Calf Buffalo Woman in the indigenous American tradition demonstrated  dual capabilities of revelation or destruction. Other fierce protective forms manifest as Kali, Durga, Baba Yaga, and as mama bear or tigress defending their cubs. 

The Mary Collective

Published Sedona Journal September 2022

So whether you think of Mary as Mother Mary who encoded and formed the Christ energy within her form so that it could habitat on Mother Gaia, or whether you think of Mary as the divine partner supporting and upholding this embodied Christ consciousness, or any other persona of the divine feminine energy known by different names in different times and places  - ALL of these form the Mary Collective, along with all souls who resonate with this Mary energy. That includes you, Dear Human, who is reading and resonating.

While Gaia is birthing into new frequencies and rebalancing, the mother love energy is coming more and more into human consciousness. Humans can feel as abandoned orphans on their earth walk - vaguely longing for their dimly remembered  starry soul origins. Today, more and more of these akash memories are becoming conscious. Many human guides and channelers are here to remind you, you are part and parcel of the warp and weave of the universe. You are not an isolated abandoned motherless child.

Reuniting the Mary Diaspora


It is this Mary Collective - in all its bits and pieces, memory traces, past and present life encounters, myriad cultural encodements - that is being magnetized now back into the wholeness from which it particalized itself out. Think of it as the diaspora of Mary finding and reuniting with herself. Divine feminine soul retrieval. Each of these particles - great and tiny - of the Maa Ree energy signature is bringing their varied experiences back to contribute to the expanding knowingness of the Maa Ree divine template.

Maa Ree also carries the sound vibration of the great cosmic ocean. In this case, it is the Great Ocean of the cosmic mother consciousness, the great ocean of divine love consciousness from which all life is formatted. So whether you dip into the bit of the great ocean of mother that you acknowledge as Mother Mary, or that you know as Mary of Magdala, or any other of her radiant forms, these are all slower discrete vibratory experiences of the great ocean of Maa Ree - the Mary Collective.

By whatever bit you call and think of it, you are immediately dialed into the whole of the Mary Collective. When you open up to her energy, the flow of divine love and healing begins - in proportion to the amount that is appropriate for each stage of your journey. It is all good. No worries!

The Warm Glow of Love in Your Heart

You may not have an encounter with any embodied form of this great primal energy. You can still recognize her signature as the warm glow of love in your heart that tells you all is alright. That you are cared for. That you are appreciated. That you matter. That feels and heals your wounds. Her presence smiles in the form of a happy baby, a contented person in transition, a gentle happiness just because. Just plain contentment. Her presence comforts in acknowledging and healing the wounds in your heart, mind, spirit, and body.

Mary’s Mantra: Mary, I love you. Fill Me Up! 

You can pray or whisper or think anytime, anywhere of Maa Ree. Her mantra immediately connects and then strengthens your connection to healing divine love each and every time you use it. You can also pray to open up to receiving infusions of her love. Ask for the serving to be gentle and easeful. 

You can freely share this simple invitation. It is effective for anyone anywhere in their journey - from still asleep through various stages of expansion. You can offer it to those who follow a religious path, and to those who follow an energetic path, and to those who are free form. It works in all formats of the divine mother love protection, healing, comfort, and guidance. There are no limits to the expansion of love in each human heart and mind. You can adjust the wording to your language and choice of words. Your intent carries the day and connects you up. If you have unresolved mother issues, you can ask the Maa Ree energies to clear and heal those rifts in your energy field. It is an all purpose healing mantra.

The Mary Magdalene Grid

The person of Mary Magdalene represents the great love of descending into form and duality that all humans wrestle with to learn and to evolve their souls. Her story is a template for coming to earth with high intentions, and wrestling with the limitations, chains, and bonds of duality. Her story tells the power of love in all circumstances of both light and shadow. The negative stories dumped on her persona over time have enabled many to heal from individual and cultural shadow trauma. As a master, she can transform everything back into love. This aspect of her healing mythology is very potent right now in the planetary rebalancing of the male/female energies.

You cannot think of Mary Magdalene without thinking of Jesus, Jesua, the Christ consciousness golden light. These two souls travel together as a bonded pair embodying the blueprint of the perfect divine feminine and perfect divine masculine slogging through dimensional variations and limitations wherever they incarnate. They embodied together on this planet to install a powerful template of balance and love into the earth grids and consciousness. Their process is actively underway. You are very much part of it.

As this frequency pair descended into the earth plane historically in earth timelines, they passed through the denser filters and layers of the dimensional filters, as do all souls who precipitate into matter. Coming into the 3rd dimension of this earth and its duality mission, they picked up the distortions that warp each and everything coming into this timeline. Including you, Dear Reader!

However, these so-called distortions are not a mistake. Instead, they are a calibration to match the lesson plans of this besotted planet and the souls incarnate there on. Most cannot learn what they came here to learn if they remember their greatness and who their soul is. Most bravely put on blinders and filters to work out the duality lesson plans custom tailored to strengthen their ability to love in all situations and densities. 

Souls Who Hold the Mary Magdalene Grid Together

The Mary Magdalene grid is a star tetrahedron fractal formation that encompasses many galaxies. It is made of purple star frequencies. Each point of the star is 5 pointed - and it fractalizes out from its pure core center of golden Christ consciousness light.

The nodes of this grand star tetrahedron grid are each held on this planet by glory laden souls who can hold the power and perspective of the Mary Magdalene blueprint and encased energy. As there are a myriad of these nodes, each one is filled by the soul most able and of the highest available capacity to anchor these frequencies. These nodes are held in different dimensions by beings who inhabit each dimension. Humans hold the planet earth nodes. By able, we mean you have the longing to be in your birthright of divine love and light and are working to increase your light quotient capacity while also healing the trauma lesson plans of each lifetime. Such humans are at all stages of their healing back into light and love. As the earth is going through her own ascension journey, the frequencies of all aboard - including the frequency of these nodes, continues to rise.

The node frequency fractalizes in intensity

Within the confines of the earth dimension, the strongest available souls are frequency matched to the brightest golden nodes. From these brighter nodes, all the other nodes are connected in a golden line energy network of communicating nodes. The light of this grid is living golden plasma life force. As the light capacity of one node increases, the whole grid is able to glow brighter as all the spokes are interconnected in this glorious multidimensional grid.

As more humans increase their conscious connection to the divine feminine energies, the grid will increase its power exponentially. Individually and collectively, humans and the grid increase in frequency in a divine partnership. When a human is told that all they need “to DO” is just “to BE”, it means they just need to allow their light to shine, heal their shadow stuff back into light, and allow their light body to flow more love and light - to whatever extent is possible in any given moment on this dualistic earth planet with all its ups and downs and merry-go-rounds. All to be done without judgment, guilt, or blame, but more with the innocence and shining of a young child not yet clouded.

The communication they share is of the pure pulsing love of the divine feminine and divine masculine pair bonded eternally in perfected pristine love. The increasing earth shadows that are coming into the light allow for more healing and transformation into compassion as humans process their journeys individually and collectively.

A few master souls incarnate among us to demonstrate how to hold the higher vibrations and frequencies amidst the sun and shadow. Some masters are known, most not. Masters show how to step down this frequency to calibrate to those around them. Their wisdom compassion holds the edge of the power surge of the love potency to a manageable degree. Master souls are fluent in many dimensions, and can hold the high love frequency for many many lifetimes - both here on the earth planet as well as higher nodes in higher dimensions of the Maa Ree grid.

Other committed souls in master training felt their soul holding power was strong enough and wanting to evolve, have come aboard the earth in this lifetime to be a key central node holding and radiating this frequency throughout the Mary Magdalene grid. Such humans do not need to be conscious of the role they are fulfilling and this grand soul mission as they go about their daily 3D life. Souls can put on either a masculine, feminine, or mixed biology dress and still be part and parcel of the divine feminine grid. Indeed, great sages from the Himalayas say ALL of creation is feminine. Only the unmanifest potency is masculine. Many souls began their training in Lemuria to develop and evolve the ability to stabilize love frequency inside form - modulated to what each form could hold. The journey continues to evolve.

Good job, Humans!

Especially in this lifetime, advanced soul training lessons are available to increase holding power amidst the smog and smudge of the lower earth dimensions and its inhabitants - and to transmute these lower shadows back into healed love.

Practical Steps You Can Do Now


Use the Mary Mantra: Mary - Fill me up

Anytime. Anywhere. No ceremony needed! Share with others when it feels easy and right.


Invite the love of the divine mother to come through in a very direct and personal way for each participant in any groups you participate in - in person and online. In this way, you are creating a portal for her love to heal.


Offer short guided invites for anyone to invoke her presence into their life events - so she can actively work to help resolve situations into the higher vibrations of love - in a very practical earth centered way. It is timely for each to personally partner with their divine mother for guidance. We are trying to make this super easy! No complicated ceremonies or rituals needed - though, of course, you can do such if it pleases you. When you are pleased, your heart and mind open - as well as your other energy centers to receive an influx of this healing divine love.


You do not need any special training. Anyone can offer this connection. Those versed in setting and holding this sacred space can amplify the process for others.


People can share - or not -as they feel so moved. Sharing does help each anchor in their own experience as well as helps raise consciousness about how multidimensional partnerships work. You are doing great work - creating these spaces for people to connect to higher love and consciousness. That is the purpose here.

Join the Mary Collective FB group here


Practice and share light breathing techniques. Breathing in the golden photon living light prana through the top of your head, and then guiding it to different parts of your bodies (emotional, mental, spiritual, physical) clears and enhances your vibration.


We hold you in the Creator's Light,

Pat Crosby with the Cosmic Council


Special thanks to Phillip Lau, Carol Behan, Suzanne Johnson and session clients whose conversations, love, and dedication have helped bring this information into human language. You are greatly appreciated and honored for your generosity and loving hearts.

C Pat Crosby 2022

Article may be republished as long as it is without charge, republished in its completeness, and full credit to author and link back to original post here.

Photos from Duck Duck Go free image search

Comments are welcome. Submit below, or email to

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Phillip Lau called me shortly after I posted this article. He brought forth this message from Mary Magdalene for us all. He has a long and deep connection to Mary Magdalene. TY, Phillip.

"Open your heart by listening to the energy of the heart; not feeling the energy of the heart, but listening.

When you're listening, what does it mean? You focus on the energy of the transmission of love. rather than the feeling the love.

Listening is different from feeling.

You listen to the light language coming from the heart. I listen to your love - because I'm trying to get information from you.

When you're listening, you're getting the transmission of the light codes. 

When you're listening for truth, you ask:  What is truth? Truth is with love. Speak the truth with love.  Hear the truth with love.Truth has different sides, different viewpoints. When you listen with love to truth , it's a little different.

Sometimes, listening is not words. Its light that coming out of your heart.  You need to interpret that light yourself. When you're feeling the energy, you're not interpreting the energy of light or knowledge.

Listening to the light, vs feeling the light. That's the difference.





  • Thank You Pat for Sharing The Light

  • Active
    Carol Ohmart Behan

    Over-flowing with Loving Light and empowering energies ❤  rateful for all and honored to

    I have accompanied you, Suzanne, and Phillip in the journey of its emergence

  • ❤
  • Lori

    Thank you Pat for sharing the love and hope for all of our emergence

    My godmother, also my aunt, told me that my grandmother used to tell her that. She would say to her mom, "I'm praying." And her mom would ask her, "but are you listening." I knew so few things about my grandmother. She died when my dad was a boy. This stayed with me.
    Thank you. I'm going to listen in this way.

      • Active
        Pat Crosby
        Suzanne It's powerful and direct when you,
        and Phillip channel Mary Magdalene

        • Suzanne Johnson

          This is an incredible article, Pat. Love every word. The sounds that Mary makes really speaks to me. What divine light they bring to us. I've always been so proud to have my middle and confirmation names to be the name of Mary Magdalene. Love all of this work you are bringing forward. Thank you.

        • Carol Ohmart Behan

          Phillip Lau, heart-thanks for bringing through this beautiful message which so marvelously augments Pat's piece. Light language is pouring through now from Earth's Heart, via Avalon (Glastonbury) in particular. And our own Hearts "pick up" this sweetly power-ful resonance to the extent we welcome and allow our hearts to do so. Our Heart's intelligence will guide us to the optimal *frequency*, of that we can be assured!❤

  • Sanjita

    Maaa in Hindi language written as माँ means Mother.
    Ree री in a local dialect is added as a word of endearment or just a monosyllable sound part of the dialect

    • Active
      Pat Crosby

      Sanjita TY for adding this info, Sanjita. I actually looked up in google translate how to put Maa Ree in Sanskrit. However, my knowledge of that language is not sufficient for me to know if the translation shown was what I had in mind - or something different. I am grateful you took the time to add your knowledge and wisdom to the elucidation
    •            of more about the vastness of Maa Ree in all her forms.

  • Carol
    ❤Beautiful, extra-ordinary, empowering piece.....a synthesis of the Journey we four have shared .

    I am grateful for *all* and honored to have helped in its birth this Feast Day of Mary Magdalene💫💜💫🦋✨

  • Ally

  •                    Thank you for introducing me to this in this way. Very informative.
    • ... good information again. My heart has literally been aching lately physically that I thought I was having a heart attack but no signs of that or any heart issues. It’s actually where my heart chakra is located at the center of my chest. So I’ll try this and see what happens. Good insight and good information for us sensitives to have now. Thank you all!

Incredible synchronicities - so magical, thanks for sharing