Holy Shifting Timelines
Predictions for 2023
Pat Crosby with the Cosmic Council
Thriller Timeline 2023
The family of earth includes you in bio body, and also you in spirit who are overseeing this rapidly shifting planet. To remind you, we all work together - many taking turns in and out of bio bodies. Some have never assumed an earth biological body, even though we have had long tenure with this amazing little powerhouse of a planet, which is now shedding its density layers and shining ever more brilliantly. This lovely little planet is an apple of the eye in the Creator’s vast vision. Our team includes embodied humans, ancestor humans, future humans, angelica, christed galactics, divine masters of many dimensions, and our one true source of all that is.
You hear many ideas, many fantasies about what is afoot in this shift. Much is known about the unfolding progress and process of any planet in the midst of its frequency raising adventure. This little planet is not alone in this journey. It is part of a web, a grid, of interconnecting galactic nodes that all work together to bring changes through interconnections. They are shared on the warp and weave of creation.
Although much is known of the overall process, unique twists and turns exist within an overall grand plan. There are many intricacies and individual choices that color the unfolding process. Each embodied soul has free will choices to make at each juncture. As when you follow the architect's blueprints for a new structure, exigencies arise in the process that lead to revisions, additions, and subtractions. That is the power and purpose of your free wills, my dear embodied soul members of Planet Earth Team Evolution.
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2023 = A 7 Transition Year
In Lemurian numerology, 7 indicates transition from 1 cycle to the next, as 7 week days conclude with a new week beginning. The 7 cycle from 2016 took you collectively and individually through a wild ride of surfacing many previously buried things into the light for study, reflection, purging, and transforming. Every realm went through a turning inside out, upside down: Politics, weather, society, norms, laws, policies… What came into view ran the spectrum from ghastly to wondrous.
The global pandemic caught everyone’s attention. No one could ignore it. It did not matter what their minds thought about it. It was here as an agent driving vast change. In the new cycle beginning in 2023, there will be more time to process all that has been brought under the microscope for scrutiny. Quantumly, scrutiny is dual: What you are scrutinizing is also scrutinizing you. Your self reflections increasingly reveal what makes you tick - on so many multidimensional levels - individually and collectively. Much of it remains a present mystery currently being examined, and then solved and/or evolved.
Energy Changes in the Wind
Ours is not a prediction of who is going to do what, when, and where in the 3rd dimension. Nay, ours is a prediction of what energy is going to do what, when and where. We can tell you that the laws of karma still apply in the multi dimensions. For what thoughts and intentions are sent out, manifest. And they boomerang back to the sender. As density lessens, thoughts become lighter and more sublime, Returns are faster. You cannot pollute the lighter dimensions with heavy, dark, or negative thoughts. They truly cannot penetrate the higher realms. They precipitate out and dissolve as lighter density demagnetizes them.
Energetic shifts you can expect in the current 2023 timeline
Exterior events include upheavals in the great shifting underway. These upheavals are like panning for the gold of truth amongst all the detritus which has piled up hiding it. There will be more upheavals in politics, weather, opinions, old paradigms… Astrologers explain the force of Pluto driving revolutions. Note that Pluto is part of the galactic grid we have mentioned above. Pluto is not “causing” these upheavals. Rather, Pluto is an embedded guidepost to help you unravel meanings of signs along this grand journey.
Young souls will continue to act out. Outrageously. They have little experience in materiality. They are learning by driving themselves off of cliffs. This will not change, as this is the planet of one room schoolhouse learning. Young and old souls are welcome here. What a riot!
You older souls reading this may think there is nothing left for you to do in this embodiment playground. Nothing could be further from the truth. As your 3D activities lessen, you have more time for reflecting on your soul growth. This takes the form of letting your intuition evolve, and your lightbody increases its glory as you open and allow more interface with light codes and other evolutionary offerings at this time.
About your expanding light body here
Things will get more intense before they get better. And we mean MORE intense. The veils are shimmering with transparency now in these increasing frequencies and new paradigms. All that was previously veiled is increasingly visible as the veils become windows instead of light blocking shades. The horror of it all. Karmas continue to balance - especially for the younger souls, as karmic returns are their main teaching vehicle.
Karma is neutral. It is neither good nor bad. It is just a mirror, a reflection for a soul to see the results of actions. As souls grow in experiences and wisdom, they are better able to reflect and learn from experiences.
Younger souls need more in-your-face karmic reflections to “get it”. Don’t panic. Karma is a great teacher. Pluto and other astrological influencers are helping everybody along. Souls come here to learn in this rare school of density. Souls in the guidance realms that have birthed other planets through shifts of consciousness know the ropes. They continue to guide this planet, its realms, and you through the birthing pains to a happy outcome.
We remind you old souls who are drawn here to remember, that you are choosing to increasingly uplevel your gamesmanship. Each time you master one level, you are eager (!) to take on the next level, with increasing complexities and intricate lesson plans. Your life blueprints are true action thrillers, with many twists and turns of plot storylines. You would not have missed this golden opportunity for accelerated learning on this fast track for anything in the universes.
And just what are you learning? What is the game plan here? The lesson plan? You are learning to love in increasing layers of density. Just when you think you’ve “arrived” and reach some level of enlightened understanding and action, WHAM! the game board tilts, you are upended, and a new level commences. Shock to your 3D self. Glorious opportunity for your soul self. You are not a victim, Dear Old Soul. You are a champion player in the game of multidimensional mastery. You came here for this grand opportunity for exponential soul growth. Glory on! Don’t be shy. Go for it. The Timeline is Now!
Shifting Timelines
Uniquely in these rough and tumble transformative times, you can spring ahead in your timelines. As you lessen density, you also have opportunities to switch timelines. These may show up as sudden jolts in your interests, your friends, relationships, locations. etc. In quantum multidimensional opportune times such as these, you get multiplied bonus points for each and every lesson learned in mastering love incarnate.
Switching timelines is like switching majors in college. First you are majoring in let’s say, biology. Then your interests change. So you switch to mathematics. Then maybe literature. Then maybe… you get it. You can change direction. Nothing is written in stone. No need to be bound by past directions. As earth density and magnetism lessen, you can make changes easier and faster. These are changes in your thoughts, emotives, biology, relationships, comprehension…
Can You Love?
It is easy to say you are loving when it is a lovely day in your garden or on the calm beach, with friendly people, good vibes, delicious food, a full belly, a roof, peace… But can you stay balanced and in your core love during a war zone? Hurricane? Flood? Biology screams for survival. What does your soul scream for then? No worries, Old Soul. We have lesson plans for every occasion!
You are hearing from many sources that it is important to stay in your love center. We applaud this a gazillion times. We are here to help you attain this lofty goal. When you falter, or fall down, or miss the mark, we are your coaches, cheering you on, inspiring you, arranging time outs so you can regroup within yourself. We place signs in your path to encourage you. White feathers, anyone?
Whether you are aware of us or not, we remain right beside you, shielding you, protecting you, inspiring you, whispering guidance in your heart and mind. We do not desert you. We are in this together - for the really long haul. You have long haul guidance. Ask to open up more and more to this gift available to you for the asking. Always ask for guidance from the realms of love and light, in accordance with the highest good of all, this or something better.
How Multidimensionales Learn Together
As you learn and enlarge your love capacity, we do the same. For in our various dimensions, we are all learning the game of love. Do not think that we without bio bodies do not have our challenges. Ours are much different than yours in structure. But the intent is the same. As we support and coach you, we learn from you how to traverse the energies.
Our view is bigger than yours, but our hearts beat in tune with each other. As you glow more, so are we able to increase our loving light from the joy we experience in your expansion. Think how parents grow in wisdom as their children grow in experiences. It is the same for all of us.
We spell this out because we want you to know that you are not insignificant little sinful blobs - broken mistakes in the creation. On the contrary, you are fully capacitated to walk the path of spirit in all directions, and in many dimensions. With your biology, you are uniquely qualified for grounded multidimensionality. You are essential for grounding the shift on this planet.
Lesson Plans for Old Souls and Young Souls
So-called young souls are new to embodiments. They arrived on this planet with great ideas of how to express love. Then they hit the hard tough love walls of being human. Density of dimensional layers blinds their vision. They get shell shocked, and knocked unconscious. Thus their learning to love in human form begins. Unlike you old souls, they do not have soul history to remember, so they struggle mightily with their lessons.
As old souls, send them your love and light and good and great thoughts. Also send love and light to yourself and other old souls as you work through your own soul lesson plans. Also, stand back while young souls slug it out in their early stages of embodiment research.
You embodied old souls are very much needed in this shifting process, for you have the soul capacity to hold and anchor the newly forming higher consciousness grids in place on this planet. Your soul capacity is different from your bio body capacity - which may be diminishing as you get physically older. Take time to thank your own personal servant through thick and thin - your amazing bio body.
Your loving intentions and thoughts are the food and fertilizer for the growing high consciousness grids. These grids are not formed from nothing. They are formed by intentions. As we all envision a more golden loving planet, it is only humans who can anchor these ethereal ideals into physical reality. This coming year is going to allow you to understand much more, to resolve many confusions of duality, and shine your light and love with greater focus, intention, and strength. Your opportunity for soul growth is exponential. Seize it!
Published Nov 2022 Issue |
Do not think you are doing nothing, that your life is over, or question what is there to live for, Old Souls. Whales are not the only form that holds memory on this planet. Your forms hold the stored memories and intentions driving this shifting process into manifestation, and eventually completion. Yes, there is the photon belt, the procession of equinoxes, galactic alignments, and such. These remain the structure for new possibilities. But these possibilities will NOT become human reality without YOU being right here, in body, anchoring these energies.
Young souls cannot do this. Only YOU, Old Souls, can perform this essential formative function. So stay calm, and carry on - til Creator calls you home. Then, you will help in a new way for you, and an ongoing way for us.
Psychologists tell us that it is wounded beings that attack other beings. And that is the story of young souls just getting started on the grand journey of embodiment. When you look at young souls and then look at your journey, you can get a glimpse of how far your soul has traveled. You can measure your soul age by how much compassion you have for yourself and for others.
Do you blame and judge? Or understand and have compassion? Compassion sets boundaries - which is itself a sign of old souls - that you know when to say yes, and when to say no. You develop discernment. Old souls' growth and wisdom is not spiritual bypassing. It is a testament to many great battles fought and won over many many lifetimes.
We spell this out for in the year ahead, you will need to set many boundaries. Your main boundary is to maintain your soul integrity and honor where you are in your own evolution. For as the old boundaries of human structures fall away and dissolve, it is your own soul sovereignty that will pull you through.
You cannot count on anything external. And that is the grand opportunity your soul has to experience and learn in floundering times. Some may leave their bio body behind. Such dedicated souls continue to help the shifting process in lighter dimensions - along with we all. They will just change their workplace, clothes, and neighborhood.
You are Needed, Old Soul
So thus we invite you, even implore you, Dear Old Souls, to stay the course. Do not tire. Do not give up hope. Do not feel all is lost. Do not get depressed about certain 3D goings on. Do not take sides. Do not judge. On the contrary. The energies are so ripe for the insemination of your high and divine thoughts and intentions right now to bring the promises of the shifting higher consciousness into manifestation in this very place, this very planet.
Intend for the highest good of all, this or something better. Intend for a most beneficent outcome. Stay the course. Continue to fulfill and invest your divine golden inheritance that you have earned. You have paid your dues many life times over. You are needed. You are essential. You are loved.
We hold you in great esteem, with great gratitude. We are proud to serve with you in the family of light. We hold you in the Creator’s Light.
Pat Crosby with the Cosmic Council
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