Articles on this site are copyright by Pat Crosby - Creative Commons. You are welcome to forward and reprint these posts for public information as long as they are not sold for any type of personal/monetary gain AND as long as all links and contact information are left intact as per Creative Commons License. Email your link to patcrosby@gmail
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Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
ForGIVEness Meditation & Discussion - Online Internet Radio Show Broadcast...
ForGIVEness Meditation & Discussion - Online Internet Radio Show Broadcast...
Hi ForGIVEness Friends,
There will be a guided ForGIVEness meditation mini-class, discussion and meditation LIVE tonight at 10:00 PM EST.
There is no charge to listen.
You can LISTEN ONLINE at this link to Sharon Taphorn's INDIGO Internet Radio Show
You may invite others, too.
Pat Crosby
NEW: ForGIVEness Book Ready ~
Join the Global ForGIVEness Movement Community
Pat Crosby
email patcrosby@gmail.com
Voicemail 1.845.434.3829 US
SKYPE UniversalPat
Friday, October 24, 2008
The Planetary Monetary Crises ~ A Golden Moment in the River of Time to Reconfigure ALL Your Wealth ~~~
Thursday, September 11, 2008
911 When Friends Disagree....relationships & elections & forgiveness
Today is a very significant day... for it is the day when each soul can choose anew through their thoughts, words, and actions to move our world closer to peace and universal fulfilment, or backwards into more belligerence, ill-will, and hatred.
These feelings serve as magnets that draw more similar feelings into your life. Feelings similar to whatever you are broadcasting yourself with your thoughts, words, and emotions.
It is a generally recognized awareness by most people and most medical people that hard, angry, bellicose, ill-will thoughts lead to ill health, depression, and other lower energy and frequencies of lack.
These lower feelings can literally make you sick - and tired - and broke.
A good way to know if you are coming from love, rather than old infected wounds, is to monitor and measure your mood.
Do you feel calm and happy with a thought, word, or event?
Or do you feel agitated, irritated, and find one of your old corrupted wound-laden programs popped up and activated - even without your noticing it?
Oh, WHERE is that inner pop-up blocker when I need it !
Don't worry, though. Even better than an inner pop-up blocker, is an inner pop-up eraser.
As you begin to pay attention to your energy levels and how you feel from thoughts, words, actions and focus, you will find direct evidence as to whether or not your thoughts, words, and actions are creating the abundance of energy and joy that you are looking for ... or if you are replaying old - and maybe - unconscious programs of lack, fighting, ill-will that make you sick, tired, depressed, and broke.
Not that is is advisable to ignore the overt aggression of ill-feeling people. An alternative strategy is to keep yourself vibrating at such higher levels of thought, words, and feelings that
these people have a lot of trouble finding you on their radar. And you, them.
When you catch yourself replaying old negative lack ill-will programs on the screen of your mind, you can erase them and send them packing by using a few of these techniques:
1. Breathe deeply of gold light particles.
The golden light particle meditation - a very short few minutes - can be accessed free online at http://ILoveForgiveness.blogspot.com
You can listen to it as frequently as you like at this site.
2. Relax yourself however you know. The above guided meditation audio will help you.
Other good ways to relax are to take a walk, exercise, get in nature - maybe garden if you like.
3. Listen to soothing music you like.
I found myself disturbed last night as a long-time friend took a very different stand on the upcoming election candidates than I thought she would. Indeed, her view were exactly opposite to mine. I saw myself have an immediate reaction of dislike, and some old inner program wanted to ridicule her choice.
I emailed her asking her to explain WHY she was choosing the way she was. Her replying explanation was so clear and honoring, and expressed a point of view I hadn't considered.
As I took some quiet time to reflect on her choices and awarenesses, I saw I was coming from fear - not from love and acceptance for another person's point of view.
I allowed myself to be with that fear... and as I sat with it over a cup of coffee - I saw that my unconscious reaction of judgement and ridicule was emitting from a fear that all my previous life experiences that had led me to one set of beliefs was being dishonored by someone choosing a different candidate preference. Then I saw that I was allowing myself to feel dishonored and de-valued.
I sat and allowed those feelings to wash over me. Then I asked that those feelings leave me.
Once I did that, it felt as though a heavy cloud lifted off me. I immediately felt lighter and more peaceful.
Upon releasing those unfounded feelings, I checked my email, and found an inspirational youtube video waiting to greet me. Watching it lifted my spirits and raised my own vibration back into self-confidence, self- esteem, and self-acceptance. With those increased feelings about myself, I could now ALLOW those feelings about another person - and ALLOW our relationship to increase its joy and energy - instead of killing off a notch with my unconscious judgements and projections of fear.
Happy 911 day, Everyone!
You can access the video & meditation through this post for 9-11-08 at http://ILoveForgiveness.blogspot.com
Pat Crosby
Friday, August 15, 2008
Bright pink kalanchoes on the deck draw the hummingbird to create the space for today's channeling message.
Today, My Heart Lights,
I bring you greetings form another dimension beyond your current earth time and space continuum.
Our Dear Channel Pat has been wooed away from her busy earth life to set aside these moments in time and space to transcribe a message we are giving her at this time to broadcast to the people of your spacious planet.
We had to seduce her into stop thinking about her earth-bound TO DO list, and draw her into the opening where our minds and hearts could connect, and where her love of us and the supreme and higher purposes could induce her spend some of this precious and limited earth time moments to do our bidding, and transcribe this important message we want to broadcast today.
We had to go into her brain, heart, mind, emotions, and personal history and see where we could find some slow-down valves, and some points of seduction. You see, our seduction is not one of manipulation where we are TRICKING her into doing something against her better interests, but OUR seduction is like that of a mother who induces her baby, toddler, or child to slow down and go to sleep and get some well-needed rest after a busy day of exploration. Mothers know how important it is to help the young one learn to balance their energies, and allow all the segments of the growing child to get proper and full attention.
Similarly, we are learning to work with earth-humans who are often set on perpetual GO mode in many of your contemporary earth cultures.
Here's how we did it. We searched in her brain and memory systems and found something she enjoys a lot. Then, we invoked the pleasant memories of sipping a really fine cup of coffee from a wonderful big mug. So she made some coffee up from a wonderful fair-trade blend she found on her trip earlier this year throughout the state of Kentucky in the United States of America that she saves for special occasions.
Then when she flavored it just so to her immense satisfaction, we drew her outside to her deck where the sun is shining so magnificently today. And now too warm, and not too cool. All the flowers are just oozing love and joy and beauty. They are captivating... and she allowed her mind to be engaged with these beautiful things.
Then we whispered into her consciousness that we would like her to deliver a message today. Well, her mind was in GO mode with that big TO DO list... post office, mailings, county fair solar exhibits, laundry, chores, clean the refrigerator, phone calls to return, email ... you know.... that ever expanding, never-ending earth list of THINGS to occupy your time and space.
After about half an hour, we got her outside with her laptop, her exquisite gourmet coffee in her biggest fanciest, soul-satisfying mug, got her to sit down on her comfy swing.... all the while WHISPERING into her mind that we wanted her to take down a message.
In true earth fashion, she kept asking us WHAT we wanted to talk about. (She was trying to decide if the message would be worth her time or not....) We have learned, however, to just get her into the zone, and then she ALLOWS us to speak into her mind. With her rapid typing skills (yep, way back when, we got her Mom to make her take typing class in high school), and the word-processing program in her gmail account, she can fashion up our message and get it out with her various earth skills she has learned in her marketing endeavors.
Once we got her outside, sunbathing, enjoying the warm sweet gourmet coffee, we mesmerized her mind and slowed it down to our access fully our communique with a very lovely maneuver. We got a beautiful moss-green hummingbird to visit the bright pink flowers in the pots next to her swing - where she was just settling down with her laptop - all the while she was WONDERING HOW LONG this would take...
This beautiful messenger hovered and stopped right over each flower in front of Pat.
The shimmering beauty and iridescent light waves reflecting off its perfect and exquisite little form green body - next to the beautiful bright pink flowers did as we knew it would - just CAPTIVATED Pat's mind long enough to SLOW it down and give her the DESIRE to enter our calmer, non-chaotic dimension, and do her earth interface seva (volunteering with love for a higher purpose) that she incarnated to do.
(We are enjoying watching how SHE maneuvers between taking down these messages, and learning new information - in her conscious mind - about her own journey and how it inter-mixes with ours, as well as those of you reading and listening to this message in your current NOW.)
We are taking a few minutes here to document the process of channeling - of receiving and giving messages - as so many of you will be moving more and more into activating your own channelling portals and also activating and then fulfilling soul contracts to be intermediaries and messengers of of those of us between the various dimensions. And developing the SKILLS to communicate through the dimensional walls that the Creator established to keep each world in it's own time-space bubble of the creative continuum.
And we also want those of you receiving this message to understand the beautiful journey of inter-dimensional communication pathways and processes.... for YOUR Guides and Angels and Guardians will also be wanting to support and communicate with YOU as your journeys heighten and unfold.
Thus it is with those of us who are assigned to your earth plane evolutionary project at this time. We see where you are growing to, and see where you need balancing. Hence we are developing our skills - just as young mothers are developing theirs as each chapter of the growth journey presents itself.
Our timing is exquisitely planned and integrated with cycles beyond your current earth-mind knowing. Hence we deeply APPRECIATE the trust you all show to tune into our dimension, and our broadcasts, and open yourselves up to receive what we perceive to be vital information for you at this time in your individual - as well as your planetary - evolutionary journeys into ever-opening and expanding consciousness.
This is a gift of great generosity for all parties concerned --- those giving it, that one transcribing it, those hosting it on the internet, and those of you now reading, hearing, and receiving it. For GENEROSITY of time, talent, skills - offered from a loving heart for the upliftment of all without regard to monetary compensation or payback. Just the divine impulse of the heart to give.
For GIVING is the COMPLETION of a cosmic loop - a cosmic cycle - that reverberates throughout the creation and its galaxies and its constellations. Without GIVING, there can be no RECEIVING. And without RECEIVING, there is no cycling of the energy currents that sustain the whole ball of wax that is the Creator's supreme pastime, fun, and passion.
Your very own breath will teach you this in a flash. For just TRY to only GIVE the breath OUT. It is impossible. For YOU are directly wired - just as the whole creation is - with this GIVE-TAKE, GIVE-TAKE, GIVE-TAKE CYCLE of constantly renewing, refreshing, re-invigorating. If just ONE PART of the cycle is shut down - nay FORCED down by an ill-equipped limited mind thought - there begins to be short-circuits and inefficiency, and non-functioning of some of the vital pathways of the energy flowing circuits.
You experience this phenomena in your own life. You give it the name of LACK.
From our perspective, we perceive it as CHAOS - as the energy circuits are all cut-off, entangled, and look like a misshapen pile of wet spaghetti noodles - instead of a beautiful inter-woven earth-journey blanket of incredible design, skill, beauty, and functionality - to give EACH creature on the earth plane an experience of incredible joy, fulfillment, and and opportunity for soul-growth and enjoyment.
Hence, when the life-giving flow shuts down, disease sets in. For life-supporting flow requires BALANCE of all parts of the cycles built into the creation matrix.
You will see the disease in your own human faculties when the flow is mis-managed or shut-down as DIS-EASE of the mind, heart, body, soul, and societies.
As we were slowing down her earth activity rate, seeping into her mind to slow the throttle down and put her in channeling speed, so she could allow our message to come through the inter-dimensional walls.
So, Our Dear Friends of Light, Gratitude and Service,
We are here today to REMIND YOU to SLOW DOWN, enjoy your journey, use VIGILANCE and DISCRIMINATION HONED IN WISDOM of your earth-journey and soul-journey experiences to ENJOY and FULFIL your ride on planet earth at this time.
Take time every day to PAUSE & REFLECT on how YOU want to enjoy and profit from YOUR earth journey on this day. Reflect each night on what you did during your given earth day, and decide if you utilized this gift to the fullest potential of your chosen soul journey. If not, take soul-journey course corrections. That way, when you come over to the other side of the earth veil, you will look back on your earth journey with supreme joy and satisfaction. And be energized for your NEXT journey of adventure in the Creator's vast amusement park of the created - and creating - universes.
It IS your birthright and star-right so TO DO.
Your Friends - The Reshel Group
Guardians of Planet Earth Grid and Ascension Processes.
Light Beings: SHARE your goodies and your abundance with each other. Circulate the divinely-originating earth flows of energies. Share with each other. Support the endeavors and projects and economic activities of each other.
Do not limit the light flow by thinking in LACK terms that cycling the flow of energy to each other is "unspiritual". On the contrary, cycling the energies round to each other only increases the size and potency of the circles of light and energy. This process is known as INCREASING ABUNDANCE. Cycling the energies to each other is part of the GRAND plan of Creation - intentionally set into existence for the mutual sustenance of ALL beings in the game.
Go for it, Sweet Earthlings! Flap your ABUNDANCE WINGS & SOAR with each other :)
2008 Grid Masters Light Conference, Charlottesville, VA. Organized by Peter Allen. The guest presenters will be offering their skills and wisdom from their lifetimes of service of the divine and the ascension project of planet earth and this galaxy. Details at http://LightGridMasters.blogsp
At this conference, we will be expanding the earth awareness of the extraordinary light grids than enfold this planet, tie it in with the galaxies, and connect YOU to all the various power points and portals of this amazing earth planet that you have chosen to ride.
Please support this project with your attendance, letting others know of it, your prayers and intentions and light beams of good intention, and donations, as your light may guide you.
We want to expand planetary awareness of the masterful grids of light and help humans learn HOW they can also empower these circuits with their own good intentions, deeds, words, and actions - and other mysteries of the earth grid light patternings. You will not find greater masters of this science and mystery than Bill Buehler and Peter Champoux and those gathered at this event.
We are working with Pat to get our FORGIVENESS message out in rapid circulation on planet earth. She has our book written, tweaked, and reviewed. The guided FORGIVENESS MEDITATION we gave her came out exquisitely beautiful... and we think EVERYONE can relate to it. You can hear it very soon - for we SEDUCED Pat into getting the project out into global circulation... stay tuned... sign into the first to be notifed elist at http://LightGrid.blogspot.com
You can put your email in the subscribe box and be the FIRST to know when the BOOK is ready to download or purchase and HEAR the FORGIVENESS RELEASING MEDITATION.... any day now... as soon as Pat's techie friends help her with this.
This Little Book of Forgiveness with embedded guided forgiveness releasing meditation has been especially sculpted by us at this time to help Mother Earth and her inhabitants shed the HUGE BACKLOG of unfinished business and garbage that has created quite a stench in this quadrant of the universe, as well as within the lives of you humans living on the earth plane at this time.
This Little Book of Forgiveness is our most generous gift to the earth plane at this time. Please support this project and help spread the word on this gift to to humanity at this time.
If you know organizations, movements, NGO's, schools, elists, newsgroups, etc who would like to help spread the FORGIVENESS message, please contact our channel Pat Crosby at this time.
We thank you VERY much for your involvement and support in this project of spreading peace through forgiveness.
We are guiding Pat to make the book available at very low cost, and with much free information and support on the website she is currently putting up for us.
We leave you now - at least in your conscious minds - knowing you are in the FLOW of divine light, life, and abundance.
The Reshel Group
1. Mind Over Matter (10 minutes) Most excellent mind-expanding video!!!
*****Recommended by Joe Beckett who wrote: "Science today is just now learning what Christ was made aware of in the desert more than 2,000 years ago."
*****Note from Jean: This is worth watching and taking in till the end - and even to do it twice!!! There are some really amazing computer animations and the concepts explained through a number of carefully selected excerpts from various scientists exposés are building up to a real dazzling picture of "reality". Wow!
From Peter Allen, Organizer
Earth Grid Conference coming up in Sept 2008 in Charlottesville, VA
The Opening of the Crystaline Gateway on 8-08-08
Pat Crosby
Voicemail, text 1.845.513,6609 US
Friday, August 8, 2008
Music by John Werner. Healing Flute.
ALL about this Reshel Grid Gathering of Masters Conference at
including commentary by Tyberon, Peter Champoux, Bill Buehler, Peter Allen (Founder JAIA Dev Ascension Network).
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Reshel Message on Earth Light Grid Gathering Of Masters Conference - see post below this one re conference
***** Bill Buehler
Endorsed by:
Reshel through Pat Crosby
A Message from Reshel -
planetary guide of the light grid system.
Reshel: Light Cornerstone of God
Full message with photos and links, how to register and further info at
Dearest Hearts,
Today is a most special and extraordinary day in the life of human earth - our beautiful earth planet - and the awakened human beings who reside thereon. Plus those of us from the astral and etheric realms of grace who are here to partner with you physically embodied ones who have collectively gathered en-planet at this time and space to facilitate the birthing and enlightening of our most precious friend and sister - Gaia. Mother Earth. Our Dearest and most renowned friend.
Mother Earth - Gaia - is renowned, respected, and held in awe by those of us who are partaking of her awesome journey by those of us who peer at her trip though the windows of her energy buffers, that you call "portals". That we call openings. We think of them as port hole windows such as you have on your ocean-going ships. Wonderful round vision holes that give you the experience of a whole new dimension - one that you are travelling through that you cannot live in except by being in a separate travelling vehicle - a ship - that sustains you with the environment that your currently configured earth bodies are used to and dependent upon.
Just as you can upgrade your accommodation on a cruise ship to a higher grade cabin - with bigger portholes, and then bigger windows, then doorways, and then balconies, similarly we - who are assigned and here now to help you and your beloved Mother Earth through your collective journeys - are also upgrading our view into your world. From peepholes, to portholes, to doorways, and now - to full balconies where we can step INTO your environment, your world - still at a distance - but much more present to what you are experiencing in your world - in your environment.
This enhanced vantage point gives us a renewed level of participation, guidance, reflection and feedback to fulfil our divinely appointment assignment to guide you at this time through this journey of enlightening human mass consciousness.
It is our honor, and privilege to come close to you and your journeys at this time. We especially admire the dedication and perseverance with which you are stepping into your new frequencies and intensities of light.
It is our greatest pleasure and honor to watch you dis-encumber yourselves of the old trappings and ways of being, thinking, emoting, doing, that were relevant to your world - the one that is now rapidly fading into the archival memory banks of historical existence experiences.
Again, we remind you, as you are hearing from so many quarters these days, do NOT try to hold onto the old. Indeed, you will facilitate your ascension into the higher life and light frequencies by releasing, releasing, releasing the old and moving into the new.
Our channel Pat has been guided to another channeled resource from our group to drop even more baggage, and we are appreciating her ever lightening presence as she intersects with our dimensional realities, and translates our messages in to your dimension and your earth languages.
Similarly, each one of you who has been guided to read this message, knows exactly what we are talking about, and is also looking for ways to lighten your ship - so you can ascend higher with each increasing wave of light frequency that is washing and billowing through your planet at this time.
There is another event we want to call your attention to - to either attend, or to send your blessings to, or notify others - as befits your unique soul mission.
Some of the greatest communicators and mappers of the light grid system of mother earth are gathering at a 5 day retreat conference in Charlottesville VA in September of 2008. The presenters have worked long and hard, with great concentration and awareness to be the forerunners in mapping the light veins and funnels of Mother Earth historically. They have tracked how historical events and power places have been situated along these energy conductive lines and wrapped their knowledge into a comprehensive light, energy, moral, and historical synthesis that is spell-binding - and will clue you in to the greater plan - the vastness of the Creator's genius at work.
The knowledge that they are releasing to greater human consciousness among the lightworkers, energy workers, spiritual workers, and earth-wisdom keepers, is quite astounding. And they will give you a greater grasp of the size and scope of the business of light distribution on this planet. And how this distribution network affects human civilization, global politics, and secret societies, and earth histories that have safeguarded this information over the centuries.
You can compare what they are offering - from their life long work, study, dedication, and passion - to those who study anatomy and the blood and lymph flow systems of the human being embodied system.
And just as there are certain principles that you as an embodied human must learn, observe, and follow to optimize your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual presence on this hallowed earth world, so there are similar practices that the wisdom keepers, earth keepers, indigenous elders, shaman, healers, and light workers follow to enhance the experience of Mother Earth in keeping herself optimized for her sacred journey through the circuits of the Creator's cosmos.
It is with a smile that I report to you, that the speakers at this event call their work the Reshel Grid. For Reshel is the closest sound in human speak that approaches the vibration of my essence and mind (my name) to fulfil my job assignment of guiding the light flow circuits of this planet on which you reside.
As individual human raise their vibration and can perceive these circuits, I am able to release more information into their minds and hearts. This empowering process allows these individual humans - and now there are more and more of you - to grow in your vibrational strength - just as children grow in strength from doing more and more activities.
In any event, just as you are enlarging, engulfing, releasing, expanding your consciousness on so many levels, so is Mother Earth enlarging her energy portals and distribution channels of light to accommodate the new earth which is unfolding and growing now right before your very eyes.
YOU are in the heart of this mind-boggling phenomena. Enjoy the ride - for it is a rare one not to be repeated in any known universe nor expanse of knowing.
We travel with you, Friend. Just along side of you, watching and guiding your precious transit, offering our unconditional love and support as you ride the waves and currents with Mother Earth.
Wishing YOU the best and most gracious and joyful ride,
Your in Service to The ALL That Is,
Find Out More, Register, Participate, Stay Tuned In ....
Details of Light Grid Conference at http://LightGrid.blogspot.com
Drop Baggage Here
Go to http://LightGrid.blogspot.com for info.
NEWS: Watch for imminent release of our new book on Forgiveness - complete with movie and guided meditation audio - based on my recent trip to Peru, our early workshops, and private sessions...
Stay in the loop and get the info on how to forgive in 7 easy steps-- based on Pat's recent journey to Peru and working with the Forgiveness Guides (Angels) of Lake Titicaca.
-Sign on the list to be the first to receive release info at
The Little Book Of Forgiveness
The SEVEN Easy Steps to Forgiveness Guide
By Pat Crosby
Forgiveness opens the door in your heart to love.
Whenever we catch ourselves caught up in an old reflex of anything other than unconditional love, it is a MOMENT TO HEAL by just turning inward and asking the universe for the tools and help to come to each of us to clear the accumulated soot of planetary garbage out of our hearts, minds, systems.
2. Do you have feelings of unworthiness?
3. Are you carrying old baggage?
4. Do you wall yourself up and create hard places that make you sick?
5. Not forgiving can hurt your heart.
6. Do you want to have more love and be in unconditional love.
What Others Are Saying:
"There are very few things more counterproductive than holding a grudge. In this little gem, Pat Crosby shares a method for forgiveness that can provide you with more happiness, joy, peace of mind and financial success."
-Bob Burg, Co-author (with John David Mann) of The Go-Giver (www.TheGoGiver.com)
Imminent Release: Be notified by signing into the list at
Copyright Pat Crosby 2008. All Rights Reserved. Permission given for non-commercial distribution as long as links back to site http://LightGrid.blogspot.com are included.
Reshel Grid Gathering of Masters, Sept 2008, VA
The Reshel Grid - JAIA Dev Ascension with Bill Buehler and Peter Champoux
Brought to you by Pat Crosby for Reshel
Contact Peter Allen for more information & to register