Channeled Information through Pat Crosby from the Cosmic Council of Light, The Lemurian Council, The Angels of Forgiveness, Reshell (Feminine aspect of Lord Metatron), and Archangel Michael


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Sunday, December 20, 2020

Carolyn’s Story. My Unexpected Joy of Passing Over. By Pat Crosby

Carolyn’s Story

My Unexpected Joy of Passing Over

By Pat Crosby

My long time and dear friend and soul buddy left this earth plane unexpectedly one morning,

She had emailed me at dawn, just before she passed - wondering what was happening to her.

She was my Reiki and healing student, as well as housemate in our healing center, and then neighbor for several years, and shared our spiritual path - so we were used to discussing energetic things together.

By the time I called her mid morning, her neighbor reported that she had no pulse by the time the ambulance arrived.

That same evening, she came in loud and clear on the etheric telephone. She requested I let people know what it is like in the first 12 hours after leaving the earth dimension.

 She said: “It is my legacy, my gift, to let people know how wonderful it is, and what will happen. I also want to let people know how their prayers matter.”


Hi Pat! I’m here!

Wow - you are in so much light. You are so expansive. Your golden glow is filling my heart. How are you?

Good - good. I’ve arrived now. It was a bit of a journey.

After the pains in my chest last night and worry wonderment as to what was happening to me, I fell asleep. That is when my earth heart stopped. I fell into a deep sleep - like a coma.

When I woke up, I was in this room filled with light. It is like a golden bubble. There are other people here who have just crossed over. It is very calm. Everyone is in a peaceful meditative trance. Deeply relaxed. Feeling at home.

It took awhile - for a while I was in a kind of foggy haze - like coming out from anesthesia.  As my soul bubble of light gradually rose upwards during this day, the air got sunnier and sunnier - like getting above the clouds. There were some beautiful golden angels holding my hands - one on each side - escorting me. It was like I was sleep walking in a trance. My eyes were closed - and I was happy to just be helped along. I could feel so much love, so much radiance. I had no fear - just calm acceptance. I felt totally cared for - never alone.

Then my spiritual master arrived in a beautiful golden light form. The angels handed me off to her - She took my hand and  glided me along into even higher, clearer golden light.

I feel now like I have just woken up after a deep long nap. I feel very refreshed, very clean. Like a vacation on a perfect sunny beach. All is golden light and clear.

I still see an overlay of my physical self - like a transparency over my soul. But even as we communicate now, that personality veil is getting thinner and thinner, and my soul light is getting stronger and stronger in my consciousness. It is very calming, very reassuring, very pleasing. It is like watching a false identity just fade away.

I am just beginning to look around at my earthly life now - from my lofty perch. I can see everyone doing everything. I see my daughter being worried and fretting. I see my dog and cat a bit confused. I see my home that I loved so much. Even as I gaze at them, they are getting thinner and thinner in density - til they will fade away from my memory and be as but dreams - as indeed they are/were. I am told I will have several earth days to observe them, send them my love, talk to them if they are open. Otherwise, I will just bathe them in golden light from my heart center. My end-of-life blessing to them.

Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for arranging prayers. Thank you for sending prayers and Reiki healing light to assist my journey. I definitely felt them all. They felt like little bursts of gentle breezes, sweetly lifting my soul bubble higher and higher. Sometimes I thought I might stall or get stuck in a cloudy patch as my soul was ascending through the layers of density, but then a little prayer breeze would come along and scoot me up another notch or two. It was such a lovely experience.

Especially when you sent the Reiki antahkarana rainbow bridge of light. My soul saw that array of light beams, was immediately drawn to it, and grabbed on. The rainbow bridge just automatically boosted me up like on an ascending escalator. There was nothing for me to do - but enjoy and marvel at the ride. Like being on a tourist site-seeing train ride.

Our friendship on earth was so important to me. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for our sisterly companionship through many different chapters - ups and down - in earthly life. As my density is clearing rapidly now, moment by moment I am having greater and greater clarity about the meanings of all the various events and happenings and people in my life. The unfinished business grudges are just disintegrating and evaporating as I turn more and more to the golden light.

Tomorrow, I am meeting with my soul team to begin our life review process. They have told me they will help me gather any potential understandings and life lesson learnings before I move on​ ​to the next level. They will accompany me as I visit past places, chapters, and people, pets, and plants in my life. They will help me understand, and let go. Surrender it all back into the light from which it arose.

It is like I am in a reception room. It is full of recently departed people/souls who are this vibrational level. We are all harmonized with each other. Our angels and golden light beings are outside the golden bubble room, observing us, and shining light on us. It feels so very safe, like we are cared for deeply and in a warm sun room. And being monitored and prepared to move to the next level.

Below, I can see another bubble which is more cloudy. There are souls who are still working through their confusions about different things. It will take them a little longer to process their passing over and life lesson plans. Their angels are also outside their bubble room, guarding and observing them like nurses outside the hospital nursery of newborns.

Above me, I can see a brighter more golden bubble room. Perhaps they are dimensions? I am being acclimatized and prepared to enter that atmosphere when I have finished processing this level, clearing, harmonizing, and getting ready to move on.

The prayers wafting my way from the earth plane continue to gently help me rise and clear gently, and surely. These prayers are very powerful and so much appreciated. I am able to send blessings in terms of golden light bubbles from my soul heart to them already. I am grateful to be here.

The earth journey was getting more and more difficult in terms of physical and material ease. So although I was a bit shocked - nay - surprised - when the time came - overall it was quite easy and pleasant. And now that I have arrived here, I would never think of coming back to that earthly life now. It would be such a depression of my current energy.

I am grateful to my daughters and sons for all they have done and are doing in my life. They have been a great blessing and joy in my life. I trust now that my ex husband will be free to move on in new ways on his journey. I feel the anger in my heart towards him slowly dissolving and being replaced with this lovely golden nourishing sunlight.  However, that is something my soul team will help me with tomorrow and over the next few days.

Anyway, as I said, the shock of transitioning has worn off already. I am now in the wonder of it all - and wondering why I EVER thought worriedly about leaving my body - what you call dying.

I look forward now to the phase over the next few days of surveying my earth life and all the people, places, things, and pets I shared it with. In this way, I will gain closure - and I hope closure will come to all those I touched and who touched me.

Thank you again, Pat, for being my good friend, neighbor, companion, and soul sister through it all. You have made the journey easier and friendly. I so appreciate all the help you gave me during some difficult chapters, and look forward now to sending you some light as I progress through the different rooms of light in this - my new golden journey of light.

The most important thing for me in my earthly life was meeting my spiritual master, and learning from her. Her light, her love, and her radiance continue to light the way for me now. I feel her protective presence all around me, overlighting everything that is going on. I feel like a little chick under her wing of grace. That is SO precious. I feel so taken care of, so comforted. So reassured.

I am told we (me and my angel guidance team) will visit my earthly experiences a few more times over the next few days. Feel free to pass on my messages to those who are open to receive a “message from the dead”. Ha ha! I never felt so alive as before.

This is my parting gift to humanity: To let you know the journey of leaving is beautiful. SO beautiful - you won’t believe it. Don’t be afraid. Just be joyful and trust in the light and the great goodness of the universe.

Your sister-friend in light,

Known to you in this lifetime as Carolyn.

~~~ Pat Crosby

Copyright 2021, Pat Crosby

Photos via google search, Creative Commons

Permission to share is granted if no charge is made, post published in its entirety, and link given back to this post.

Thank you for reading.

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Carolyn's story was absolutely extraordinary. To know and be re-assured about the journey when first passing over is priceless. It was new information. Of course to know that everyone's prayers, and mantra, and other blessings sent had a manifest physical impact of support, help and ease was beyond rewarding. When my sister died in 2019 my intuitive counselor told me she was in "a bubble of love" feeling safe and protected. Carolyn's story reminded me of that as well only more information. And of course to know absolutely that her spiritual teacher was there to help her cross over was deeply moving. Thank you so much for sharing it with all of us. It makes me so happy to know that Carolyn herself appreciates that the whole community has been sharing it with each other. Beautiful!!
~ Deborah - Boston

Thank you for sharing that wonderful experience.
I feel the same way about you as Caroline does. I hope that in some way I do the same for you
Happy New Year Pat!!!
~ Tracy, New York

MORE about Death and Dying from Pat Crosby


Conversation with Aunty Mahealani



2022 Predictions - What Lies Ahead? How to Navigate Trouble Waters

Monday, October 26, 2020

PREDICTIONS 2021 Diamonds Under Pressure

Predictions 2021

Diamonds Under Pressure

The Cosmic Council with Pat Crosby

Reprinted from Sedona Journal

Predictions 2021

Nov-Dec 2020 special issue

Has 2020 squeezed you enough yet? Is the pressure getting to you? Cracked/cracking you open? Leaving you feeling discombobulated? Disassembled? In pain?

OK! Good! Congratulations! You human diamonds-in-the-making are being created under immense intense pressure. You human star travelers arrived here in different waves to be the special ops forces of galactic changes - wherever you go on assignment. You are worthy of these challenges and paradigm shifting opportunities offered here.

We speak to you now of the current state of the ongoing transformations of the earth grids, light codes, and the intertwining of the galactic and cosmic grids with your earth bodies and your daily life. The decks are clearing, the stage is being set, for the re-creation of every aspect of your daily life on planet earth. 2021 is advancing to a whole new level of truth in manifestation.

(As an aside, to support this higher vibrational earth program, some diamond beings are also being dropped off on earth to assist and model your earth re-creation project.


Vajra in the star language Sanskrit - indicates great strength. The vajra symbol of the thunderbolt, the divine symbol is used in many spiritual traditions.Thunderbolts carry the full power of transformation - in a split of a split second. If you’ve even been caught outside in a thunder and lightning storm, you have glimpsed this great power. You feel it in the electrified air.

Fear and awe, combined. Respect!

In the year 2021 - you are headed into powerful strength and powerful transformation effects of the diamond vajra energies flooding into your planet.

Your Light is Getting Stronger in 2021

Now - as the descent into matter process is reversing, and you are spiraling back into knowing your light essence, you are floating out of the quicksand of form, remembering living and being the light. Isn’t that grand rediscovery? How much are you remembering yet?

As cycles reverse now, you can spiral out of dense dimensions, emerging from limited form awareness like caterpillars from chrysalis - carrying the new wisdom of your harvested soul lesson plans this time around. Your emergent light body is spectacular to behold - staggering the belief of your conditioned human mind. Oh my God, you whisper to your higher self in moments of clarity: ”How beautiful am I”.

This, we acknowledge, is on “good days”. Other days, you may feel you have smacked the wall. But not to worry, it will all come out in pure light and truth in the end.

In the process of being squeezed til you become diamond strong, diamond brilliant, your humanness is undergoing immense pressure to codify, clarify, and strengthen your inner gem potential, honed to bring out the magnificent gem clarity of your soul. Your rough edges are being chipped and cut away to reveal your innate marvelous brilliance.

In your travels through many dimensions, your pure soul light essence conformed to the structures of these different dimensions. Your soul cooperated and coalesced into substance.Your light body played hide and seek with itself - camouflaged in form and substance. You got soot on yourself coming down the chimney into 3rd dimension. Your radiant light body dimed to get stuffed into a limited material costume. Your human biological senses adjusted to only inform your human brain of 3rd dimensional seeing. And vice versa. What a costume party! You had fun pretending? Intriguing is it not? Page turner? Cliffhanger? Depressing? Shocking? OMG - what next?

In 2021, your remembering will become stronger and stronger as each chapter, each month, unfolds in its many fascinating episodes. Through it all, keep your eye on the emerging and increasing light within and without. That is your recommended focus - like a captain eyeing the lighthouse in the midst of an intense storm.

As your higher senses re-ignite, you perceive far more than the 3rd dimensional material plane. You see/feel/remember the radiations from the higher dimensions from whence you originate. Your cosmic DNA activates, informing your human consciousness of your divine consciousness. How grand!

As you adjust, and attune to these brighter dimensional visions, your longing to live in them accelerates. As you have flashes of your own brilliance, you adjust - gradually, easefully, gently. Or maybe not! Some are jolted into remembrance. We suggest you pray for a gradual, easeful ascension!

More and more humans are sensing cosmic lightness as the drudgery and sheer heaviness of formed reality falls away while higher senses re-awaken. More and more humans are evolving and opening their higher senses, integrating, and merging them into perceiving the light in formed matter.

Truly, the process of evolutionary capacity is rapidly revealing more and more every single day.

The pressure of this soul re-birthing is intense. It’s a very big baby emerging into remembering. A big arrival of new energies. New perspectives. New light codes of possibilities and realities.

Mothers, you remember the joy that comes AFTER the intense birthing process.

Tear down? Renovate? Replace? Upgrade?

Is always the question with old things that have served their purpose - not up-to-date. It has been the big process of 2020 (a 4 year of rebalancing). So much that was unbalanced had to be rectified. Foundational truth had to be shored up, rot removed. The process was/is intense. The demolition process continues, even as the newer structures are arriving into place - replacing/upgrading obsolete structures.

Sometimes there can be great charm in renovating and updating an old well-crafted comfy home. Othertimes, termites, mold, and rot have done so much structural damage that collapse is imminent. Attempts to band-aid broken structures unfortunately leave shaky, dangerous, wobbly, scary structures: “Danger - No Entry” In other words: “It no longer serves”.

Let it go! Let it all go!

The celestial architects of light plans - the Elohim - are on special ops assignment from Creator - designing new systems as cosmic forces are earthquaking old structures off their foundations. Reducing what was into rubble and raw building material.

The twin towers, destroyed through hateful intentions and actions, resurrected as a brilliant new paradigm of searing, blazing blue light beams reaching into the heavens. Thus many were inspired to come on pilgrimage there for recovery, healing, re-imagining. Imagine! There is no hate! Only love!. Only divine light! 2021! Imagine! How the hateful intentions of 911 were transformed into a glorious pilgrimage spot of inspiration and inspiring compassion in humanity. Human Lightshowers, hold that vision with us for the new upgrades appearing in 2021!

Isn’t that a magnificent example of the power of your intentions, prayers, and actions, Lightshowers? That is the power you carry. That is the power that is expanding now. That is the power of our project of raising the vibration of planet earth and all that is in form.


2021 Diamond Cutting Light

You are here on your mission to bring increasing light into this world - both in magnitude and spectrum. What is new for 2021, is the intent and capacity of the light you anchor. 2021 light is searing, cutting - lazar rays of truth, cutting away the dross - revealing the magnificent diamond brilliance of the gem truth encapsulated within coarser substance. This light is breaking down that which is spent - composting it for new lush growth yet to come.

The searing demolition of the dross is unveiling the profound light of truth - highlighting it, making the potential in the 3rd dimension now visible.

2021 brings immense inloads of the searing light saber of truth - cutting through layers and layers and layers of corruption and historical disassociation from truth.

The game of hide and seek with the truth is winding down. Truth demands now to be fully revealed, and is fighting vigorously for her victorious outcome.

Truth is a body entirely onto itself. Truth is the foundational principle #1 of creation in Lemurian reckoning. (Kirael 10 Principles of Conscious Creating). Truth is amplifying in 2021.

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Truth - A Good Virus

Consciousness of truth is spreading like a good virus on the planet right now. It is intense; so many cultures have referenced the intensity of constantly hacking away the weeds of untruth with their iconography of a sword and justice - rather it be Pallas Athena, Kali Durga, Lady Justice, the wrathful deities, Archangel Michael…

The good contagion of truth is on a heavy-duty upswing throughout 2021.

In contemplation and meditation, your human mind lets go, unflinches, and allows the ocean of truth to reveal itself above the chaos of dissolution.

2021 = 5 - Divine Consciousness in Lemurian Numerology

In Lemurian numerology, the 4 year 2020, focused on balance. So much that was out of balance was topsy-turvied, shaken profusely. We’re sure you noticed, Lightshower!!

5, the sequential number, represents divine consciousness. As we clear the decks - individually and collectively - of old energies, we create space for more loving divine compassion to flow into our lives.

This rebalancing (still wildly going on) is a prelude to the next level of divine consciousness - re-creating from the #1 foundational principle of truth.

A 5 pointed star shows initiatives going out from the center - the heart of the star. And so it is the emerging next step. As that which was unstable, unbalanced, was knocked apart, there is room to recreate from a heart centered divine awareness. Even some politicians have started giving voice to creating something new in love and compassion.

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Lemurian Living Love is Expanding in 2021

The Lemurian grid essence is compassion, balanced with the divine feminine, and manifestation of unconditional love. The foundation of creating in the truth of love has been laid over the last few decades by lightshowers in many dimensions - including humans.

The project we guided - and have written about in several messages by our current channel - (“The Resurrection of the Lemurian Grid”) - has been nurtured and shepherded to awaken the sleeping flower-of-life intentional grid, fractal it forth into the 3rd dimension, and connect it with the galactic and crystalline grids to establish a powerful interdimensional delivery service web of higher frequencies into the human/earth dimension. Now this flower of life grid is being mass intensified by lightshowers from many dimensions and many traditions - including from human team members. Planetary meditations have focused on the flower of life sacred geometry grid anchoring and expansion on planet earth. The fruit of these great intentional meditations will yield even greater in 2021.

The Lemurian grid of unconditional divine love, in its curvy, brilliant heart-love magenta pink vibration, is the ground of all creations in life. AKA the flower of life, this sacred geometric cosmic template segues down through the dimensional plasma walls and is now securely grounded and being anchored into, around, through, and on planet earth. This grounding process of this love template will increase exponentially in 2021 - the year of divine consciousness spreading love.

2020 has humanity begging for change. 2021 is delivering - changing fear to love.

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Healing, love, and charity all begin with each one of us individually. 2021 is a year to truly practice: Charity Begins at Home! Begin with your very own self!


We remind you to ask the Angels of Forgiveness (Elohim creator class in our Cosmic Council) to help you let go of any old energies that do not serve you moving forward. Just ask them on the fly - anytime you notice your mind veering off track into any old energies of resentment, anger, regret, complaint, pain, etc. Ask the Angels of Forgiveness to remove all this old parasitic energies from your energy field. Ask for grace to replace those with higher frequencies of gratitude and healing. As our messenger Loryna Byrne says - hire unemployed angels!

SleepState Program - Lemurian Principle of Consciously Creating #9

As you go to sleep - ask your higher self to activate and enlarge your healing each time your higher self travels while your physical body sleeps - with grace, comfort, and ease, for the highest good of all. Ask your higher and personal self to download and activate all the healing energies and intentions each time - with grace, comfort, and ease. Ask for the highest good of all, this or something better.

Journaling - Good

By scribing, you intensity and clarify your learnings - which will then be recorded in the numerous akashic libraries in the cosmos. Scribing also helps you codify your lessons, too, thus optimizing your journey and growing your personal and soul wisdom and compassion.


Choose to have the higher outlook of expanding wisdom. Choose to increase your skill to hold on to all the energies simultaneously. It is said enlightenment is the ability to hold all points of view simultaneously. Evolve yourself beyond the pairs of opposites, beyond duality. Remember all is created and held in love. Move yourself beyond blame, judgement, opinions. Pray to see as the Creator sees. Pray to express your own Creator skill and powers to see and love all things magnificently. Pray to see from a higher perspective. Pray to live in this higher perspective. Pray to be that higher perspective. In this way, you fulfill the full potential of this shift of the ages.

Breathe Golden Light Particles

Which will increase your vibration, and flush out old junk, and heal yourself: Mind, body, heart, soul.

We reiterate and affirm what so many others have heard and reported. As the shift intensifies, opportunity grows in your capacity to receive, hold, and radiate love exponentially. These times are truly the most golden of golden opportunities to evolve your soul in wisdom, skill, and love. You came here to experience this. You are here to own this. You are here to be this. Take full advantage of these truly wondrous adventures you are fully immersed in.

Do not be pulled under into the chaos of the unbecoming, the undoing of the past paradigms. Rise to the occasion of the breakthrough of dimensional barriers - to float through all things, observing all things, loving all things.

Beloveds, this does not mean to not set human boundaries. For that is also the wonder of this shift. You are above, and below. You are above it and also in it. As a master skilled player, you follow the rules of the various dimensions.

Have a blessed year of many discoveries, advancements, and revelations of divine grace and divine unconditional love.

We remain with you - holding hands and hearts throughout the dimensions during this magnificent journey of the ages.

Happy 2021!

We hold you in the Creator’s Love,

Pat Crosby with the Cosmic Council

Copyright Pat Crosby 2020

Article may be republished as long as it is without charge, republished in its completeness, and full credit to author and link back to original post here.

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Channeler’s Note

This message was received, coded, and amplified over 7 weeks. Truly a Cosmic Council, various beings would pop into my mind while shaping the impressions, snippets, mind videos given to me whenever I would tune into Predictions 2021. 

At each stage of the editing, other various beings would interject commentary - for me to integrate into the narrative. A few of the beings I can say by human reckoning names: Archangel Michael, Angels of Forgiveness, Reshel (feminine aspect of Metatron), the platinum light Elohim, Kirael, and the planetary lineage sustainer 5000 year old Babaji - who has gotten even more active lately in upgrading human religious and spiritual systems. 

They send their blessings to all through their glistening encoded words.


LATEST VIDEO from the Cosmic Council

Healing Meditation for Divorced Mothers

Heal the pain deep inside - in the womb of creation within you.
Relax, heal, listen while sleeping, meditating, anytime you wish to bring higher awareness into your life journey of loosing the male in your life.

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