Channeled Information through Pat Crosby from the Cosmic Council of Light, The Lemurian Council, The Angels of Forgiveness, Reshell (Feminine aspect of Lord Metatron), and Archangel Michael


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Friday, January 2, 2009

Reshel Group Channel through Pat Crosby 12-30-08 Parallel Earths, Yellowstone Earth Changes, Powerful Group Merkabas

The Reshel Group through Pat Crosby 12-30-08

Parallel Earths, Yellowstone Earth Changes, Powerful Group Merkabas

Audio available for free listening at channeling archive:

Q. 1. Could you talk about parallel mirrored realities such as I
experience in my "dream" state?

Q. 2. What is going on with the earth bubbling at Yellowstone?

Q. 3. What about our merkabas?

Information highlights:

* Parallel mirroring realities present clarity for your soul to choose its
next pathway of experience.

* Mother Earth: Party She Will & Party She Must!

* The power & longevity of the life you gift to your group intentions and
prayers - your group merkabas.

* The guides and light beings, too, are learning along with us in this co-creation effort
underway on Earth right now.

* Why Jesus washed the disciples feet.

* Co-honoring the sparkling light drops of the Creator's expansion.

Pat Crosby

Voicemail 1.845.434.3829 US
SKYPE UniversalPat

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