Channeled Information through Pat Crosby from the Cosmic Council of Light, The Lemurian Council, The Angels of Forgiveness, Reshell (Feminine aspect of Lord Metatron), and Archangel Michael


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Friday, August 15, 2008





Bright pink kalanchoes on the deck draw the hummingbird to create the space for today's channeling message.

Today, My Heart Lights,

I bring you greetings form another dimension beyond your current earth time and space continuum.

Our Dear Channel Pat has been wooed away from her busy earth life to set aside these moments in time and space to transcribe a message we are giving her at this time to broadcast to the people of your spacious planet.


We had to seduce her into stop thinking about her earth-bound TO DO list, and draw her into the opening where our minds and hearts could connect, and where her love of us and the supreme and higher purposes could induce her spend some of this precious and limited earth time moments to do our bidding, and transcribe this important message we want to broadcast today.

We had to go into her brain, heart, mind, emotions, and personal history and see where we could find some slow-down valves, and some points of seduction. You see, our seduction is not one of manipulation where we are TRICKING her into doing something against her better interests, but OUR seduction is like that of a mother who induces her baby, toddler, or child to slow down and go to sleep and get some well-needed rest after a busy day of exploration. Mothers know how important it is to help the young one learn to balance their energies, and allow all the segments of the growing child to get proper and full attention.

Similarly, we are learning to work with earth-humans who are often set on perpetual GO mode in many of your contemporary earth cultures.

Here's how we did it. We searched in her brain and memory systems and found something she enjoys a lot. Then, we invoked the pleasant memories of sipping a really fine cup of coffee from a wonderful big mug. So she made some coffee up from a wonderful fair-trade blend she found on her trip earlier this year throughout the state of Kentucky in the United States of America that she saves for special occasions.

Then when she flavored it just so to her immense satisfaction, we drew her outside to her deck where the sun is shining so magnificently today. And now too warm, and not too cool.   All the flowers are just oozing love and joy and beauty. They are captivating... and she allowed her mind to be engaged with these beautiful things.

Then we whispered into her consciousness that we would like her to deliver a message today. Well, her mind was in GO mode with that big TO DO list... post office, mailings, county fair solar exhibits, laundry, chores, clean the refrigerator, phone calls to return, email ... you know.... that ever expanding, never-ending earth list of THINGS to occupy your time and space.

After about half an hour, we got her outside with her laptop, her exquisite gourmet coffee in her biggest fanciest, soul-satisfying mug, got her to sit down on her comfy swing.... all the while WHISPERING into her mind that we wanted her to take down a message.

In true earth fashion, she kept asking us WHAT we wanted to talk about. (She was trying to decide if the message would be worth her time or not....) We have learned, however, to just get her into the zone, and then she ALLOWS us to speak into her mind. With her rapid typing skills (yep, way back when, we got her Mom to make her take typing class in high school), and the word-processing program in her gmail account, she can fashion up our message and get it out with her various earth skills she has learned in her marketing endeavors.

Once we got her outside, sunbathing, enjoying the warm sweet gourmet coffee, we mesmerized her mind and slowed it down to our access fully our communique with a very lovely maneuver. We got a beautiful moss-green hummingbird to visit the bright pink flowers in the pots next to her swing - where she was just settling down with her laptop - all the while she was WONDERING HOW LONG this would take...

This beautiful messenger hovered and stopped right over each flower in front of Pat.

The shimmering beauty and iridescent light waves reflecting off its perfect and exquisite little form green body - next to the beautiful bright pink flowers did as we knew it would - just CAPTIVATED Pat's mind long enough to SLOW it down and give her the DESIRE to enter our calmer, non-chaotic dimension, and do her earth interface seva (volunteering with love for a higher purpose) that she incarnated to do.

(We are enjoying watching how SHE maneuvers between taking down these messages, and learning new information - in her conscious mind - about her own journey and how it inter-mixes with ours, as well as those of you reading and listening to this message in your current NOW.)

We are taking a few minutes here to document the process of channeling - of receiving and giving messages - as so many of you will be moving more and more into activating your own channelling portals and also activating and then fulfilling soul contracts to be intermediaries and messengers of of those of us between the various dimensions. And developing the SKILLS to communicate through the dimensional walls that the Creator established to keep each world in it's own time-space bubble of the creative continuum.

And we also want those of you receiving this message to understand the beautiful journey of inter-dimensional communication pathways and processes.... for YOUR Guides and Angels and Guardians will also be wanting to support and communicate with YOU as your journeys heighten and unfold.

Thus it is with those of us who are assigned to your earth plane evolutionary project at this time. We see where you are growing to, and see where you need balancing. Hence we are developing our skills - just as young mothers are developing theirs as each chapter of the growth journey presents itself.

Our timing is exquisitely planned and integrated with cycles beyond your current earth-mind knowing. Hence we deeply APPRECIATE the trust you all show to tune into our dimension, and our broadcasts, and open yourselves up to receive what we perceive to be vital information for you at this time in your individual - as well as your planetary - evolutionary journeys into ever-opening and expanding consciousness.

This is a gift of great generosity for all parties concerned --- those giving it, that one transcribing it, those hosting it on the internet, and those of you now reading, hearing, and receiving it. For GENEROSITY of time, talent, skills - offered from a loving heart for the upliftment of all without regard to monetary compensation or payback. Just the divine impulse of the heart to give.

For GIVING is the COMPLETION of a cosmic loop - a cosmic cycle - that reverberates throughout the creation and its galaxies and its constellations. Without GIVING, there can be no RECEIVING. And without RECEIVING, there is no cycling of the energy currents that sustain the whole ball of wax that is the Creator's supreme pastime, fun, and passion.

Your very own breath will teach you this in a flash. For just TRY to only GIVE the breath OUT. It is impossible. For YOU are directly wired - just as the whole creation is - with this GIVE-TAKE, GIVE-TAKE, GIVE-TAKE CYCLE of constantly renewing, refreshing, re-invigorating. If just ONE PART of the cycle is shut down - nay FORCED down by an ill-equipped limited mind thought - there begins to be short-circuits and inefficiency, and non-functioning of some of the vital pathways of the energy flowing circuits.

You experience this phenomena in your own life. You give it the name of LACK.

From our perspective, we perceive it as CHAOS - as the energy circuits are all cut-off, entangled, and look like a misshapen pile of wet spaghetti noodles - instead of a beautiful inter-woven earth-journey blanket of incredible design, skill, beauty, and functionality - to give EACH creature on the earth plane an experience of incredible joy, fulfillment, and and opportunity for soul-growth and enjoyment.

Hence, when the life-giving flow shuts down, disease sets in. For life-supporting flow requires BALANCE of all parts of the cycles built into the creation matrix.

You will see the disease in your own human faculties when the flow is mis-managed or shut-down as DIS-EASE of the mind, heart, body, soul, and societies.

As we were slowing down her earth activity rate, seeping into her mind to slow the throttle down and put her in channeling speed, so she could allow our message to come through the inter-dimensional walls.

So, Our Dear Friends of Light, Gratitude and Service,

We are here today to REMIND YOU to SLOW DOWN, enjoy your journey, use VIGILANCE and DISCRIMINATION HONED IN WISDOM of your earth-journey and soul-journey experiences to ENJOY and FULFIL your ride on planet earth at this time.

Take time every day to PAUSE & REFLECT on how YOU want to enjoy and profit from YOUR earth journey on this day. Reflect each night on what you did during your given earth day, and decide if you utilized this gift to the fullest potential of your chosen soul journey. If not, take soul-journey course corrections. That way, when you come over to the other side of the earth veil, you will look back on your earth journey with supreme joy and satisfaction. And be energized for your NEXT journey of adventure in the Creator's vast amusement park of the created - and creating - universes.

It IS your birthright and star-right so TO DO.


Your Friends - The Reshel Group
Guardians of Planet Earth Grid and Ascension Processes.



Light Beings: SHARE your goodies and your abundance with each other. Circulate the divinely-originating earth flows of energies. Share with each other. Support the endeavors and projects and economic activities of each other.

Do not limit the light flow by thinking in LACK terms that cycling the flow of energy to each other is "unspiritual". On the contrary, cycling the energies round to each other only increases the size and potency of the circles of light and energy. This process is known as INCREASING ABUNDANCE. Cycling the energies to each other is part of the GRAND plan of Creation - intentionally set into existence for the mutual sustenance of ALL beings in the game.

Go for it, Sweet Earthlings! Flap your ABUNDANCE WINGS & SOAR with each other :)


2008 Grid Masters Light Conference, Charlottesville, VA. Organized by Peter Allen. The guest presenters will be offering their skills and wisdom from their lifetimes of service of the divine and the ascension project of planet earth and this galaxy. Details at

At this conference, we will be expanding the earth awareness of the extraordinary light grids than enfold this planet, tie it in with the galaxies, and connect YOU to all the various power points and portals of this amazing earth planet that you have chosen to ride.

Please support this project with your attendance, letting others know of it, your prayers and intentions and light beams of good intention, and donations, as your light may guide you.

We want to expand planetary awareness of the masterful grids of light and help humans learn HOW they can also empower these circuits with their own good intentions, deeds, words, and actions - and other mysteries of the earth grid light patternings. You will not find greater masters of this science and mystery than Bill Buehler and Peter Champoux and those gathered at this event.

Sun shining on Golden Mountain - where this transmission took place.

*** ~&~&~&~&~&~&~& ***

We are working with Pat to get our FORGIVENESS message out in rapid circulation on planet earth. She has our book written, tweaked, and reviewed. The guided FORGIVENESS MEDITATION we gave her came out exquisitely beautiful... and we think EVERYONE can relate to it. You can hear it very soon - for we SEDUCED Pat into getting the project out into global circulation... stay tuned... sign into the first to be notifed elist at

You can put your email in the subscribe box and be the FIRST to know when the BOOK is ready to download or purchase and HEAR the FORGIVENESS RELEASING MEDITATION.... any day now... as soon as Pat's techie friends help her with this.

This Little Book of Forgiveness with embedded guided forgiveness releasing meditation has been especially sculpted by us at this time to help Mother Earth and her inhabitants shed the HUGE BACKLOG of unfinished business and garbage that has created quite a stench in this quadrant of the universe, as well as within the lives of you humans living on the earth plane at this time.

This Little Book of Forgiveness is our most generous gift to the earth plane at this time. Please support this project and help spread the word on this gift to to humanity at this time.

If you know organizations, movements, NGO's, schools, elists, newsgroups, etc who would like to help spread the FORGIVENESS message, please contact our channel Pat Crosby at this time.

We thank you VERY much for your involvement and support in this project of spreading peace through forgiveness.

We are guiding Pat to make the book available at very low cost, and with much free information and support on the website she is currently putting up for us.

We leave you now - at least in your conscious minds - knowing you are in the FLOW of divine light, life, and abundance.


The Reshel Group

Copyright 2008, 2024 Pat Crosby. All Rights Reserved. 
Permission hereby granted for reproducing non-commercially 
as long as full credit of author and source url are included.

Here are 2 Ascension videos readers recommended this week. I think you will like them, too :)


1. Mind Over Matter (10 minutes) Most excellent mind-expanding video!!!
*****Recommended by Joe Beckett who wrote: "Science today is just now learning what Christ was made aware of in the desert more than 2,000 years ago."

*****Note from Jean: This is worth watching and taking in till the end - and even to do it twice!!! There are some really amazing computer animations and the concepts explained through a number of carefully selected excerpts from various scientists exposés are building up to a real dazzling picture of "reality". Wow!


From Peter Allen, Organizer
Earth Grid Conference coming up in Sept 2008 in Charlottesville, VA
The Opening of the Crystaline Gateway on 8-08-08

Pat Crosby

Voicemail, text 1.845.513,6609 US

Friday, August 8, 2008


Music by John Werner. Healing Flute.

ALL about this Reshel Grid Gathering of Masters Conference at
including commentary by Tyberon, Peter Champoux, Bill Buehler, Peter Allen (Founder JAIA Dev Ascension Network).

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Reshel Message on Earth Light Grid Gathering Of Masters Conference - see post below this one re conference

Re: Earth Light Grid Gathering of Masters Conference organized by Peter Allen, Founder


Presenting The Light Grid Masters - with
***** Bill Buehler
***** Peter Champoux

Endorsed by:
Tyberon - Through James Tyberon
Reshel through Pat Crosby


A Message from Reshel -
planetary guide of the light grid system.
Reshel: Light Cornerstone of God

Full message with photos and links, how to register and further info at


Dearest Hearts,

Today is a most special and extraordinary day in the life of human earth - our beautiful earth planet - and the awakened human beings who reside thereon. Plus those of us from the astral and etheric realms of grace who are here to partner with you physically embodied ones who have collectively gathered en-planet at this time and space to facilitate the birthing and enlightening of our most precious friend and sister - Gaia. Mother Earth. Our Dearest and most renowned friend.

Mother Earth - Gaia - is renowned, respected, and held in awe by those of us who are partaking of her awesome journey by those of us who peer at her trip though the windows of her energy buffers, that you call "portals". That we call openings. We think of them as port hole windows such as you have on your ocean-going ships. Wonderful round vision holes that give you the experience of a whole new dimension - one that you are travelling through that you cannot live in except by being in a separate travelling vehicle - a ship - that sustains you with the environment that your currently configured earth bodies are used to and dependent upon.

Just as you can upgrade your accommodation on a cruise ship to a higher grade cabin - with bigger portholes, and then bigger windows, then doorways, and then balconies, similarly we - who are assigned and here now to help you and your beloved Mother Earth through your collective journeys - are also upgrading our view into your world. From peepholes, to portholes, to doorways, and now - to full balconies where we can step INTO your environment, your world - still at a distance - but much more present to what you are experiencing in your world - in your environment.

This enhanced vantage point gives us a renewed level of participation, guidance, reflection and feedback to fulfil our divinely appointment assignment to guide you at this time through this journey of enlightening human mass consciousness.

It is our honor, and privilege to come close to you and your journeys at this time. We especially admire the dedication and perseverance with which you are stepping into your new frequencies and intensities of light.

It is our greatest pleasure and honor to watch you dis-encumber yourselves of the old trappings and ways of being, thinking, emoting, doing, that were relevant to your world - the one that is now rapidly fading into the archival memory banks of historical existence experiences.

Again, we remind you, as you are hearing from so many quarters these days, do NOT try to hold onto the old. Indeed, you will facilitate your ascension into the higher life and light frequencies by releasing, releasing, releasing the old and moving into the new.

Our channel Pat has been guided to another channeled resource from our group to drop even more baggage, and we are appreciating her ever lightening presence as she intersects with our dimensional realities, and translates our messages in to your dimension and your earth languages.

Similarly, each one of you who has been guided to read this message, knows exactly what we are talking about, and is also looking for ways to lighten your ship - so you can ascend higher with each increasing wave of light frequency that is washing and billowing through your planet at this time.

There is another event we want to call your attention to - to either attend, or to send your blessings to, or notify others - as befits your unique soul mission.

Some of the greatest communicators and mappers of the light grid system of mother earth are gathering at a 5 day retreat conference in Charlottesville VA in September of 2008. The presenters have worked long and hard, with great concentration and awareness to be the forerunners in mapping the light veins and funnels of Mother Earth historically. They have tracked how historical events and power places have been situated along these energy conductive lines and wrapped their knowledge into a comprehensive light, energy, moral, and historical synthesis that is spell-binding - and will clue you in to the greater plan - the vastness of the Creator's genius at work.

The knowledge that they are releasing to greater human consciousness among the lightworkers, energy workers, spiritual workers, and earth-wisdom keepers, is quite astounding. And they will give you a greater grasp of the size and scope of the business of light distribution on this planet. And how this distribution network affects human civilization, global politics, and secret societies, and earth histories that have safeguarded this information over the centuries.

You can compare what they are offering - from their life long work, study, dedication, and passion - to those who study anatomy and the blood and lymph flow systems of the human being embodied system.

And just as there are certain principles that you as an embodied human must learn, observe, and follow to optimize your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual presence on this hallowed earth world, so there are similar practices that the wisdom keepers, earth keepers, indigenous elders, shaman, healers, and light workers follow to enhance the experience of Mother Earth in keeping herself optimized for her sacred journey through the circuits of the Creator's cosmos.

It is with a smile that I report to you, that the speakers at this event call their work the Reshel Grid. For Reshel is the closest sound in human speak that approaches the vibration of my essence and mind (my name) to fulfil my job assignment of guiding the light flow circuits of this planet on which you reside.

As individual human raise their vibration and can perceive these circuits, I am able to release more information into their minds and hearts. This empowering process allows these individual humans - and now there are more and more of you - to grow in your vibrational strength - just as children grow in strength from doing more and more activities.

In any event, just as you are enlarging, engulfing, releasing, expanding your consciousness on so many levels, so is Mother Earth enlarging her energy portals and distribution channels of light to accommodate the new earth which is unfolding and growing now right before your very eyes.

YOU are in the heart of this mind-boggling phenomena. Enjoy the ride - for it is a rare one not to be repeated in any known universe nor expanse of knowing.

We travel with you, Friend. Just along side of you, watching and guiding your precious transit, offering our unconditional love and support as you ride the waves and currents with Mother Earth.

Wishing YOU the best and most gracious and joyful ride,

Your in Service to The ALL That Is,



Find Out More, Register, Participate, Stay Tuned In ....

Details of Light Grid Conference at

Drop Baggage Here

Go to for info.


NEWS: Watch for imminent release of our new book on Forgiveness - complete with movie and guided meditation audio - based on my recent trip to Peru, our early workshops, and private sessions...

Stay in the loop and get the info on how to forgive in 7 easy steps-- based on Pat's recent journey to Peru and working with the Forgiveness Guides (Angels) of Lake Titicaca.

-Sign on the list to be the first to receive release info at

Read more:

The Little Book Of Forgiveness
The SEVEN Easy Steps to Forgiveness Guide

By Pat Crosby

Forgiveness opens the door in your heart to love.

Whenever we catch ourselves caught up in an old reflex of anything other than unconditional love, it is a MOMENT TO HEAL by just turning inward and asking the universe for the tools and help to come to each of us to clear the accumulated soot of planetary garbage out of our hearts, minds, systems.

1. Do you self-sabotage?
2. Do you have feelings of unworthiness?
3. Are you carrying old baggage?
4. Do you wall yourself up and create hard places that make you sick?
5. Not forgiving can hurt your heart.
6. Do you want to have more love and be in unconditional love.

What Others Are Saying:

"There are very few things more counterproductive than holding a grudge. In this little gem, Pat Crosby shares a method for forgiveness that can provide you with more happiness, joy, peace of mind and financial success."

-Bob Burg, Co-author (with John David Mann) of The Go-Giver (


" Pat Crosby is a true 'Earth-Keeper and Lightworker. Her depth of understanding teamed with her extensive travels to sacred sites all over the planet have given her keen insight and wisdom that is clearly reflected in this book. It is a must read for all on the path"
James Tyberonn -

Imminent Release: Be notified by signing into the list at

Copyright Pat Crosby 2008. All Rights Reserved. Permission given for non-commercial distribution as long as links back to site are included.

Reshel Grid Gathering of Masters, Sept 2008, VA

The Reshel Grid - JAIA Dev Ascension with Bill Buehler and Peter Champoux

Brought to you by Pat Crosby for Reshel

Contact Peter Allen for more information & to register


A Gathering of Grid Masters

Peter Allen, Founder of JAIA DEV ASCENSION Network

Presents : "THE RESHEL GRID - Gateway to the Future"

Featuring Authors William Buehler & Peter Champoux

Charlottesville, Virginia - September 22-26

Featured Co-Speaker - William Buehler

Portal gridsWilliam Buehler is a retired U.S. Naval Commander who has an in-depth spiritual overview & expertise of the "Reshel" grids that exist on the planet. He is considered the patriarch of Reshel Grid 'rediscovery', mechanics and function. He is the founder and author of the 'Shamir Letter' . He has accumulated his knowledge over thirty years of intense study & application while interpreting and participating in Light Synergy groups. A man of integrity, humility and vast knowledge, Bill will share his profound knowledge on the topic of Reshel Grids, their ancient origin, function and role in the upcoming Ascension. This is a rare appearance and opportunity you do not want to miss. Email:

Featured Co-Speaker - Peter Champoux

Peter <span class=Champoux" name="ACCOUNT.IMAGE.47" v:shapes="_x0000_s1027" vspace="5" width="113" align="left" border="0" height="129" hspace="5"> Peter Champoux is an author, geomancer and expert on ley energies and energy centers on the earth. An expert on earth grids, he discovered the Arkhom matrix of the American Northeast, and related landscape patterns across the continent. He is the first to extensively investigate the influence of these geometries on human settlement, historical events and cultural evolution, revealing a close interrelationship between human behavior and earth energies. His book, the GAIA MATRIX is a must read, and heralded as a major source of telluric energy information.

Workshop Details & Registration Info



5-day workshop
September 22-26, 2008
Monday through Friday
9:00 AM - 4:30 PM each day

Abundance Exchange: $500 ($525 includes Saturday trip)

This workshop introduces participants to a powerful Metatronic spiritual system designed to provide a safe and effective support matrix for the transformation of
human consciousness. International Reshel authorities Bill Buehler and Peter Champoux will be leading discussions of and processes using the Reshel Grid
Matrix. Through the Reshel we will create a gateway to the full-light universe of Christ Consciousness.

Saturday, September 27
Day trip to the sacred site of Trinity Point, Philip Knoph-Guide (enrollment limited)

Meet at English Inn
10:00-11:00 AM, leave at 11:00 AM for Trinity Point. Guided process at key energy points.

Workshop Venue:
English Inn
2000 Morton Dr., Rte. 29
Charlottesville, VA
(mention Jaia Dev Ascension Network for special rate)

Contact Peter Allen for more information.

Trinity Point - From Bill Buehler

Subj: Trinity Point in the Bakhira intercontintal grid: Sinclair 1398 mission, Westford Knight, Ascension.

Refs: 1. Attached. Intercontinental "Bakhira Grid", a

Reshel system. (Note: the attachment "Bakhira Grid" needs Google Earth software, can be downloaded free for trial.)

2. (2.2 MB) Trinity Point geometry. (Bird outline in orange). Pyramic axis 053T, very near to the Pyramid's 51.8 slope angle.

3. Westford Knight engraving. Ref 1 is more accurate with a slighltly different alignment but not significantly.

4. Bakhira Grid (NE half). Actual grid center plots farther east from Port of Spain, Trinidad, but the rest of the grid is much as plotted here on a conical projection map. The Westford Knight engraved elements are also shown. Note the ARKHOM grid on the Knight's shield.

5. Bakhira Grid. Use Ref 1 as the most accurate alignment.

6. Newport Tower with hypothetical Reshel structure and function.

7. Attached. Nova Scotia Reshel axis and connecting ley between the two Shelburne centers. The axis between them is the same size as the Nova Scotia system. Shows the Arkhom and Nova Scotia main axes.

8. Reshel system (half of it); subsystems are listed. The two halves are contstantly cycling through each other to create specific "vaults" or reality frame, the 6-pointed "Key of David" or VAULT OF PASSAGE is one of them (... a merkabah/chariot form that transports between the Maha-Ratri membrane through the Star Grail to the Maha-Rhim membrane via the Golden Pillar ...tetra/ennead IRIS EYE/ penta.)

9. The ARKHOM grid. This doesn't show the Reshel but its there.

10. Pyramid Socket volumes: cosmic life rhythm correlating to the Circadian Rhythm and 4 human biorhythms.

11. RE Pyramid sockets

12. RE Pyramid sockets

13. Reshel AERIOPAX using the two pyramds, apices meeting. Primary form facilitating the Ascension and LP-40 Transition event.

14. one Templa Mar process grid, used in Midwest convocation installation in the Mogollon Rim site.

15. Templa Mar process, one curve of three in the format.

16. Titan Oceanus grid. 17. Zeno chart with original grail harmonic plotted. Since expanded into the Imtara Rhis grid.

BACKGROUND I've been asked to give a brief description of a small but important site in Virginia near Churchville. Its called "Trinity Point" by its sponsor: Philip Khnopp whose family owns the land. The name derives from three large hills (over 1600 ft elevation) using the same geometry as the Great Pyramid. My interest in the area was aroused when I found that it coincided with the huge Bakhira Grid apparently coded in a stone at Westford, Massachusetts, a engraving representing a Knight with a sword and shield where the sword's hilt has a strange 3.5 degree offset (apparently to Trinity Point).

To place Trinity Point I need to present at least a very brief summary of a very large and strange story involving the Clan Sinclair Templars in 1398 CE and their mission to Nova Scotia and the Americas-to-be.

I'll keep this as short as possible.

COSMOLOGY: This Time continuum was created about half a million linear years ago to accomplish a specific mission in creating a new form of Human and DNA. The dynamics for this "experimental" Oritronic Universe came out of the Vault (Great Nebula) of Orion including the 24 Breastplates (systems) of Metatron (highest archangel). One of these systems is called the "Techad" or as used by the Knights Templar and later Masons the "Reshel" or "Chief Corner Stone of El"; this system is the primary one facilitating the conduct of the continuum objective and also in the return to normal, Metatronic universe reality. Thus it is encoded in scriptures... the Judeo-Christian for our purposes here... and in temple and earth grids as well as being used in light group process.

It includes Time Gates for purposes of coordination across Time with agencies under the MICHAEL MANDATE: "MANDATE OF THE VIOLET FLAME: (MICHAEL MANDATE: Root of the ABACUS MANDATE, a simplified summary.) "Established by the AMETHYST THRONE (high level of Archangelic Hierarchy) under the authority of the Archangel Michael to proclaim and govern the development of Light Redemption within the Oritronic Universe. "It's main tenet for Earth is the unification of the Nephilim and Solarian Light races, through the redemption of the Nephilim "Fallen Factor".

Since all human races on Earth contain the genetics of both these supra-tribal consciousness', this principle of solvency must occur beginning at the DNA level of each individual on the planet. "The Nature Races (Devas, animals) are also involved in the synergy of Light Forms toward development of full Light Metatronic receipt. All beings on Earth share in this program of Light Redemption."

(Thoth Raismes as translated by Maia Nartoomid.)

A basic priestly group called the "Elisaphane Priesthood" with 5 men and 4 women in its basic cell of 9 people has specialized in the Reshel usage as well as more specific groups. That last largest such group was the Templars and then Masons. Apparently this action-line involving them was temporarily upgraded in the early 1970s in Hawaii (as the Planetary Roil pole accessing the whole Planet). (The Elisaphane-Onata dynamic is found in the "Elisphane Exchange" using the 5-to-9 functional exchange between Universe realities... the Reshel system uses this Exchange.)

The Universe project is to take 20 cycles to complete; we are at the end of the 19th and are now rapidly accelerating into the 20th. This is a TIME SHIFT, much more that just a New Age although that is part of it. TRINITY POINT is one of the principal sites in this process.

The FLASHING UNIVERSE is basic to all Universes including this one. We are most used to a Compression, Cube-Sphere form of universe mode but this flashes into an Expanded Torus mode were the Sphere is pulled through itself to form the Torus, then cycles back again in a very fast cycle. These two modes implode through a "Neutra" Universe that is real so in effect there are three Universes in this system. Light work involves all three. The Ark of Grace (upgraded Ark of Karma) has a complex system that holds the Neutra point space in Reality. The Reshel grid is ideally organized to use the Flashing Universe cycle.

GRID DYNAMICS: There are many descriptions of this large subject so I will focus it in one direction. All the Universe is filled with the Nothingness or "Life" from divine Source. With that foundational aspect there templates of state of being: Grace, Mind, and other aspects. For our purposes these are expressed in a nonpolarized universe reality that is not Material but supports Matter, the ancient name for it is the "Chorhii" creation state experienced as a form of White Fire ("Chor" in Hebrew) or "White Selah" as a preform state of the "Black Selah" or Void of Life. When "thought" creates a coherent energy form or "grid" we have creation process where thought and supporting energy forms create Matter and forms in different dimensions including the physical dimension. Thus the grids we are using are mainly found in the mental and etheric levels where "Etheric" is in the physical realm but too fine to ordinarily see visually; its very near the magnetic range and is the form to which Matter conforms. Although most of a grid's action is in those realms that are physically invisible, to most people, they still require at least a few key points of connection into this dimension so we generally find stone pinnacles, cairns, mountains, water areas forming grounding points. Humans also create physical poles in "artifact" grid points: stone henges, cairns, cathedrals, local Time continua forms or "teleplanes." (An example of an artifact grid is the "L-Gate" grid in Washington DC formed by the Capitol to the Washington Monument (Obelisk), then to the White House where the Zero-Mile Marker is the grid Center.)

Grids can spin, etherically, to track the Sun (a Heliotrope) or any other celestial point or group of stars or events in the Celestial "telesphere" or in or on the Earth. Energy lines or "leys" can go through the Earth and also over the spherical surface. Matter is alive and conscious... as elemental being. Suns are the main "Citizens of Time"; Time is non-linear where the past as well as future is dynamic. Grids can clone themselves to accomplish temporary jobs. "Economy in Nature" calls for straight ley lines between complementary poles but often curves or irregular "Dragon Lines" are the most energy-efficient connection. Water stores thought forms, so is a primary symbol and energy dynamic relating to Time Continua or "Mar" (Time is largely created by thought.)

1ST TEMPLA MAR (Temple of the Emerald Mar): In 1993 Thoth Raismes/Maia wanted a Temple installed on the Mogollon Rim near Pine, AZ. We had about 50 people in 6 groups in the Midwest and one group in Arizona working about half a year to come up with the plan and process. John Reeves (sculptor) carved a 100 lb altar which was buried at the site. The Midwest groups installed the system etherically and the Arizona group put the physical installation in (buried in public land where people could be "guided" to it if needed; its totally out of sight and off the path.)

It was quite elaborate with hymns from the different religions and the first ENOCHIAN MAGIC sequence in this age (according to Thoth/Maia). This installation is important because it, years later, anchored the BAKHIRA GRID based on the Westford Knight pattern. There are three points in the "installed" reference grid: the 1st Templar Mar near Pine, Trinity Point, Buffalo Lodge Lake, and the Capitol at Madison, WI, which spins to link with the Holy Isle of Ruta's position, probably at the time the Sinclair ships linked with Ruta in 1398. (Refs 14, 15 are examples of some of the group grids used.)

ARKHOM GRID: Discovered by Peter Champoux (Ref 9) links with Trinity Point via the Bakhira Grid at Cape Hatteras (a 3 degree "Selah" spoke with the main Arkhom Axis). The Arkhom grid uses the Reshel. This is found in Peter's book THE GAIA MATRIX available on his site. It is my view that the 1398 Sinclair mission to the Americas was to boot up the Arkhom, called the "Gamaiish" by the Atlans, which then powered up the Bakhira system. The link between these ideas is found in the Westford Knights' codes, on the shield. The Arkhom establishes the land orientation of the larger system.

WESTFORD KNIGHT: This is a carving on a small stone in Westford, Massachusetts. Boston is the eastern "seeding" pole of Arkhom; I feel that the stone is a major seed matrix for Arkhom in that it ostensibly contains the activation orders for the huge Bakhira. This is well outlined in the image. (Refs 3,4,5). The Newport Tower is part of the grid activation in the Knowledge/Wisdom capacity (The Navy has its main schools systems there). Ref 6 shows the Sinclair tower; I've added probable wood construction. It would have been a multi-level light group station similar in concept to the Masonic Chiswick House in London.

The essential point of this paper is to note that the Bakhira's main axis, the Knight's Sword, has its Center at sea but it comes ashore at Cape Hatteras where there's a 3.5 degree bend in the Sword's hilt LEADING TO TRINITY POINT! (Ref 3).

The main axis goes on to Madison, ie the Ruta link. Trinity Point downloads the double Wheel-Pommel or "double-Fruit" ... of the whole sword's formatted information feeding into and out of North America and perhaps this whole half of the Planet! When that is understood we further look at the sword's codes. How much did the Sinclairs know and how? My estimate is that they knew as much as we do now, overall, without the details. The knowledge is from the Akashic Record and the overseer would be Thoth under the Michael Mandate. This same action-line of 1398 continues today under the same authority. The Sword's Codes represent systems that condition, organize and further process information coming into this half of the Planet at THIS TIME in keeping with the progressive activation of the Bakhira Grid in response to Ascension/Regeneration actions including 9-11, the Messianic Grid, and the 2nd Gulf War, et al.

SWORD'S SYSTEMS: 1. OVERVIEW: Centered in the mid atlantic east of Trinidad it spins into Western Europe, making the Gaia/Racial Right forebrain link. This spin also connects with the Rutan location transferred via the Sword and axis into the North American Reshel and anchoring in the 1st Templa Mar. The Sword is the system manager from the Center but the ARKHOM is the manager from the Nova Scotia and combined Arkhom "Shield" of the Knight. These feed into the Cape Hatteras point which is probably at the base of the double-wheel pommel. Just where the offset axis originates is questionable, it could be more SE at sea but this is relatively unimportant. Nova Scotia's primary power source feeding into Arkhom and onwards is found in the parallel continuum Oak Island labyrinth "holding the suspended corporeal forms of three Grail Kings who are not Enochian Masters, bur rather who were/are main carriers of the Grail consciousness on the planet." (TEMPLE DOORS Vol 1-99, pg 19.)

THE SWORD: Note Hebrews 4:12-14. This is a 2-MOUTHED sword, remember. This keys into Hebraic alphabet codes supporting the Reshel system. 2. PYRAMID: The break in the sword represents the death of the Knight and the sword, his spiritual identity when incarnated, is broken at death. However we are addressing more than a Knight, this is a whole Universe being regenerated. The angle of the break is the PYRAMID ANGLE of 51.8, slope angle. When we construct the Pyramid its base extends to base of the Pommel. Thus this area represents the Pyramid base and its four sockets. Note Refs 10, 11, 12. These represent a cosmic lift rhythm according to Thoth. Also a human biorhythm, probably Metatronic for Earth people in the New Earth Star (as a guess).

There are other Pyramid functions including the critical AERIOPAX. (Ref 13). The Trinity Point Pyramid is "seen" so is the female system. When this is active and clear the male pyramid (Reshel) will activate. The break in the sword is also at the Golden Ratio point on the blade.

REGENERATION of the Sword at the break means to activate the Golden Ratio or "Phi Factor" ... total understanding of this can be approached in Maia's site. The Pyramid uses it to transfer Life codes into the continuum reality at the Pools of the Moon/Sinn/Life, from the Pyramid apex, into and through the Vaults of the Sun and Pools of the Moon (two Moons, original to Earth before one was destroyed in the 2nd Mars War). Regeneration also requires activation of the Pyramid to "bear double-fruit."

3. AT TRINITY POINT: A SERPENT AND STAR HELD BY A BIRD. At the crown of the pommel there is an 18-point star or "Eden Star" according to Thoth. There is also a serpent or SHAMIR (of the Eden Tree Wound), carried by a bird. This corresponds with the Bird-Serpent Staff of Asklepios, the staff of regeneration and "2nd Birth" (John 3:14-15).

The Staff is the Sword's axis. Mastery of this Staff opens the 13th Zodiacal Sign and triggers the zodiacal shift, part of the Ascension. Also this inserts the major Regeneration functions using the Pyramid's cosmic communications and life rhythm inputs. Remember that this composite system is processing incoming flow via the Center of the Bakhira axis. "Eden" in Hebrew, with the alternate spelling, relates to the "controlling foundation." Due to the shamir and Thoth's connection with Eden we should also look at the Staff or Sword axis as the Eden Tree with the Gap (for the Ark of Grace) at Trinity Point. The ARK OF GRACE opens a whole range of new spiritual science not addressed here, but relevant. "The worm will bore into the center of the Tree of Life and Light will pour out as if from a Golden Wound into the center of every heart." (Thoth/Maia)

4. MADISON, WI: This is the eye of the knight, also the RESH (Chief Head Stone) of the system. In view of the design it seems to be the Capitol of Wisconsin. The Westford Knight design ends here, emphasizing the Resh pole (again critical in ARK and GRAIL formats) but our main concern here is that it spins to link RUTA. Henry Sinclair's fleet with 5 "Temple-Built" ships (3 masts, square rig) in formation generated a Time link with Ruta that did not fall... it hangs out at the Telos.Aarkhara in the Heliomar Creation realm, overseeing this Continuum.

8 DAYS OF TIME-STORMS preceded the Time link; we have experienced this phenomenon in our mission (under Thoth) into the Rennes le Chateau area, with a preparation of 3 days that devastated southern France. These storms are generated when two Time continua are brought into proximity, its a Matter/Antimatter interaction where the Continua limits are 'softened" by the Hierarchy to facilitate the Time link. My view of this is that the Ruta Time link in nonlinear Time created a vital pole for all Ascension grid actions using Reshel formats, a continuation of Ruta's actions in the grid activations before Atlantis was lost.

This point, the Resh, Eye in the Chief Head Stone, et al, is superior to the Bird-Serpent Staff, the Light above it. The Reshel axis then continues to Buffalo Lodge Lake, North Dakota where the grid's Shiyn pole is located and the main reality plane being created, anchoring in the 1st Templa Mar at Pine, Arizona. The attachment shows the rough area covered by the Bakhira grid: the whole hemisphere. The grid is effectively the Reshel consciousness in the Gaia/Racial right brain.

THE SHIELD: 1. DESCRIBED: there is a double concentric ring combination, with an axis, over a double masted vessel with a furled sail in three sail-groups on each mast. The main mast has a back stay. This mast and stay arrangement is not that clear and will more exactly relate to geographic areas rather than nautical symbolism entirely so I won't expand on it. The double ring is oblong along the major axis. The axis, extended towards Cape Hatteras has a penta-star over a crescent moon, a classic Reshel symbol recognized across the ages. The Shield and its design identifies the carrier, knight, identity. In the context of this interpretation the ship is the Reshel Merkaba (vehicle) that transits Time (the sea or Mar) using the Reshel system.

2. DETAILS INTERPRETED: The oblong double ring would correlate with the main two rings of the Reshel: the SOLAR-IS and the SOLAR AT-IS rings, but with the two Reshel halves not centered, they are slightly extended within their cycle. We don't know exactly how much but it appears that the Pyramid's two Metatronic chambers are unified (Chambers of the Son and Daughter). We can roughly predict where the Arkhom's outer "Zion, Zain" ring is and we find it is tangent to the shield's outer edge, implying that the shield is the Arkhom grid.

QUESTIONS: How would the Sinclairs know of the extent and details of this size grid?

(A) From the Akashic Record. Also they wouldn't have to, just carry out instructions from innerplanes mentors.

How do we know any of this is accurate?

(A) We don't although I'm personally sure of it. I've also had channel conversations with Henry Sinclair in a "soul interview."

What is the main link from Arkhom and Nova Scotia with Europe?

(A) Two lines: (1) The SORNA LEY from Mts Sinai/Katherine to New Orleans, through Ruta. This is the main axis of the TITAN OCEANUS grid (Da Vincy's Petrovian Man in the grid.) (Ref 16). And (2): The Hemptaha (Uncoiling Serpent) Line around the Planet that regulates all grids. The Pentagon (over an Atlan penta-seal), Lady of Light (Statue of Liberty), Montauk Point, Block Island, Newport Island, Shelburne (Nova Scotia), Ruta, and the Michael-Mari line in England are on this planetary line. There also appears to be a third system of note that spans the Atlantic, to Nova Scotia, found in the ZENO MAP used by the Sinclairs in the 1398 voyage, more as a spiritual grid than a navigational tool (Ref 17); this map has been much expanded into a contemporary complex grid also linking into the Rose Line from San Sabastian to Thurso and further north, called the Imtara Rhis grid.

Bill Buehler


Peter Allen - Reshel Grid, Charlottesville Event




First: to familiarize the lightworker with an ancient and powerful Metatronic spiritual system designed to provide a safe and effective support matrix for the transformation of human consciousness.

Second: to provide the participant with a personal experience of working with this technology. In group lightwork we will contact the inner planes mentors and use our bodies and consciousness as conduits for sacred light.

Third: to set up a structure to support your ongoing Reshel Grid work and thereby your successful ascension of consciousness.


Bill Buehler—leading international authority on the Reshel Grid

Peter Champoux—author of “The Gaia Matrix”, authority on the Arkhom Grid

Peter Allen—founder of Jaia Dev Ascension Network

Guest speakers: Philip Knoph—founder of the Trinity Point Project

Carol Mann—leading expert on Ark light-body installation


5-day workshop

September 22-26, Monday through Friday

9:00 AM – 4:30 PM each day

Saturday, September 27

Day Trip to Trinity Point, Philip Knoph—Guide (enrollment limited)

Meet at English Inn 10:00-11:00 AM, leave 11:00 AM

Guided process at key energy points. Snacks provided. Cost: additional $25


English Inn

Charlottesville, VA

Rooms--$99/night, full breakfast included


$500 ($525 with day trip to Trinity Point)

payable to Peter Allen

enrollment limited to 40 participants

lunch not provided


8:00 AM – 9:00 AM – Registration

9:00 AM – 10:00 AM – Introductions, opening meditation

10:00 AM – 12:00 – Sacred geometry underlying Reshel technology, nine poles of the basic Reshel. (Peter Allen)

12:00 – 1:30 -- Lunch

1:30 – 2:30 – Brief history of the Templar Knights, Henry Sinclair expedition of 1398.

Installation of Arkhom and Bakhira Grids. Other major Reshels and key points.

(Peter Allen)

2:30 -- 4:30 – Cosmology of the Reshel including the Templar/Masonic place in it.

(Bill Buehler)


9:00 --10:30 – Opening meditation. Introduction to Trinity Point. (Philip Knoph)

10:30 --12:00 -- Trinity Point in relation to the Arkhom Grid (Peter Champoux)

12:00 – 1:30 – Lunch

1:30 – 4:30 – Personal history, basic Reshel technology. (Bill Buehler)


9:00 – 12:00 – Opening meditation. Arks, Star-Bird Belt “Vee” system, the Sirius-Orion-

Taurus Ark system. (Bill Buehler)

12:00 -- 1:30 – Lunch

1:30 – 3:30 – Group experiential work. (Bill Buehler)

3:30 – 4:30 – Sharing.


9:00 – 12:00 – Opening meditation. Personal history. The Arkhom Grid.

(Peter Champoux)

12:00 – 1:30 – Lunch

1:30 – 2:30 – Arkhom in relation to larger Grid structures. (Peter Champoux)

2:30 – 3:30 – Group process. (Bill Buehler)

3:30 -- 4:30 – Sharing.


9:00 – 11:00 – Opening meditation. Advanced Reshel technology. Installing the Reshelin the Racial Mind. (Carol Mann)

11:00 – 12:00 – Group process. (Carol Mann)

12:00 – 1:30 – Lunch

1:30 -- 2:30 – Sharing.

2:30 – 4:30– Concluding remarks, acknowledgment. Network for ongoing work.

Learn MORE & Subscribe for updates at

Peter Allen


JAIA Dev Ascension

Jackie Queally

Although not scheduled for this seminar, Jackie Queally is a prolific source of knowledge on Reshel Grids, leylines and earth energies . Grid and Ley enthusiast are heartily recommended to check her websites:

Based in Roslyn Scotland, British author Jackie Queally, has written many articles, published six books, the most recent,

"The Spiritual Purpose to Rosslyn: Key to an Hidden Matrix "

Jackie has a life long affinity for sacred sites and a passion for revealing and simplifying the esoteric information encoded in the Templar mysteries. She has studied at length under William Buehler who possesses a brilliant, scholarly understanding of and ability to work with esoteric planetary grid systems, the meta-science at the core of the Templar work.

Jackie also provides tours of Roslyn Chapel and and other sacred sites and Templar areas in Britain, Ireland and Europe.

By Peter Champoux

Metatron via J Tyberonn

Reshel Grids

The channel asks about the energetic nature of what is termed 'reshel grids'. The reshel points are very feminine points of self-directed energy. Because of such, they draw upon all they require. They draw upon the masculine, they draw upon the balance, they draw upon the neutral, they draw upon the past and they draw upon the future. They are that which is in timelessness. They are installations of light. They are permanent to the earth in essence, and when one recognizes their power they can harness it for appropriate purpose.

This magnanimous system is one that belongs to the polarity of the divine feminine. These operate to maintain the femine aspect as it is, and once was. In areas where it becomes dormant, the reshels assist in resuscitation, in order to achieve the desired balance.

Now, there are other systems that belong strictly to the masculine polarity of the planet. Where this falls into disarray or reticence, they will also come forward. Now it is the reshels that are in prominent activation, and in primary activity. These are in place in both natural and man made structures, such as the great ley point cathedrals and the great points of light. Power points and sacred sites as you term them.

Reshels are the frequential keys that harmonically intertwine and integrate the other grid systems, including the 144 Crytsal planetary set and stellar grids. The Templar, Druid, Egyptian and Mayan understood their purpose. These savants would align them to planetary and stellar systems. As such the stellar systems could align the earth and the earth could align with the celestial systems.

The terrestrial essence of the reshel it is both electromagnetic and geometric. One creates the other and the other supports the first, you see? The more that humanity understands its own consciousness, the more the geometry becomes multi dimensional and so the geometric expression of these will upshift kind. This is happening now you see. It will become first one, then the other, just as the earth is now the 3rd dimension and then the 5th. What is it that will move it to the 5th? Not simple consciousness but the activation of the consciousness. The activation of the consciousness is enhanced through the understanding of the grid and the activation of that grid which in turn compliments the cosmos, and is reflected back again.

Reshels are not recognized or understood in most parts of the world. When humanity gains greater understanding of this system a great quickening will take place, and the quickening will lead to expansion. Once all of these grids are recognized, all of the others will come into a bright and brighter global synergy. The entire system will then have more power. There will be a surge both in the spirit of humanity and upon the earth.

Reshels are self-generating and self-directed. The human understanding & realization of the grid system in itself will create a resonate harmonic that becomes part of the system, in a manner of speaking. When that occurs the reshels expand in frequency projection.

The reshels attract and pull in brilliant energies of a celestial nature. It is a conscious system, a living system that calls to itself those that follow, it calls to itself those sacred places and it is the grid system itself that directs the activity within it. There are many such as the channel that are being drawn to understand these, and we tell you that, the overlay complexity of the grids systems play a pivotal role in the planetary ascension.

Now we will tell you that complete mastery of the Reshel systems has not yet been acquired on the Earth Plane. We will say that great strides have been made, and gratitude is owed to the few that have dedicated themselves to the mission of rediscovering this metascience.

The geometry is largely correct, but the exact placement and exact application has shifted somewhat in the new paradigm of the coming Ascension, you see.

This particularly in areas outside of Europe, do not exactly adhere to the geometric pattern of those called artifact systems. So while the reshel system is more intact within what may be termed as man made or artifact systems, it is not quite yet as accurately surmised in the Americas.

Reshels within the Americas occur in a more natural format, and are pegged to what are termed as powernodes or sacred sites. One such system is based in the Galapagos Islands, another around Lake Titicaca. In the northern hemisphere, around Shasta, New Mexico, Arkansas, Virginia , Arizona and New England.

We encourage you all to understand these systems, and effort of study is required. You are studying the computer basics of the great galactic computer grid, and some systems are being upgraded into the shifting paradigm. A rebooting is in place, you see.

I am Metatron, and you are Beloved."

And so it is

Mount Shasta

Earth-Keeper Event

Mount Shasta

August 28, 29, 30 & 31

Metamorphosis of the Human EMF In the Crytsalline Field

Venue :

Stewart Mineral Springs

Back Up Lodging Available at Comfort Inn - Weed, Ca

and Best Western - Shasta City

This event will offer healing techniques within the magical energy of Shasta and the Crystal Healing Springs that will change your life!

Activities: Teachings, Channels and Event: We will spend time as a group enjoying the healing springs, and sauna therapies of the unique natural wonder of the silica crystal springs. This area of Stewart Mineral Springs has long been a Native American sacred site, and purification sweat lodges are held there each Saturday. The area is beautiful and remotely located in a rustic setting, embellished by a beautiful mountain stream that flows through the grounds of the spa resort. The location of Stewart Mineral Springs is the perfect cleansing centre for preparation to visit the upper Panther Meadows of Mount Shasta.

We will visit Mt Shasta for group work and alignment to the Om Crystal of Shasta.
Stewart Mineral Springs is twinned axialtonally in harmonic resonance to
Glastonbury, England, home of the renown healing waters of the Chalice Well redspring and the Swan white springs. Stewart Mineral Springs in kind is the only other known location of a red spring (female) side by side with a white spring (male). The healing benefits, per Metatron are extremely beneficial to body, mind and soul, and the silicate content of the springs, which is the base component of crystal, assists in auric healing, rejuvenation of the physical body, emotional clearing and expansion into the merkabic field. The spa center is simply amazing and one of the most healing and rejuvenating springs of living waters on the planet. The springs grant well being and vibrancy to all who bath in their living essence of the crystal waters.

James Tyberonn, Earth-Keeper, author, geologist and channel for Archangel Metatron will speak on the Quantum Crystalline Field, and provide expansion exercises to heal, strengthen and transform the human auric field merkabically into the crystalline vibration, a necessity for the coming Crystalline Ascension. AA Metatron speaks on how the amplification of the earth's energy creates an energetic differential between the resonance of the human electro-magnetic field and the earths increasing energy. The result can be auric fissuring, which must be recognized and healed. Auric fissures can lead to energy loss, auric depletion and can leave the individual vulnerable to depression, fatigue and emotional imbalance. Metatron refers to this as " Ascension Metamorphosis: Auric Management 101.

Tyb will also speak on the 144 Crystalline Grid, Crystalline Energies, Healing Gemstones, crystalline vibrational tools and how sacred sites, vortexes and portals operate and tie into the 144 grid, and how these all effect our auric energies as we draw closer to the Planetary Ascension.

Dr David Mickel is a medical doctor, author, channel and developer of the innovative Mickel Healing Therapy. He experienced a profound change in approach and understanding of healing when visiting John of God in
Brazil six years ago. That experience led him to develop Mickel Therapy; a specialized approach to healing that requires no medication, supplements, dietary change or hands-on modalities. It is not a hypnotherapy or psychotherapy. It is an approach that is cutting edge, unique in its own right, and developed by Dr David Mickel to help people heal issues such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Depression, Insomnia, Panic Disorders and Fibromylagia.

Dr Mickel is an excellent speaker, open personality and amazing healer. His Scottish humor is simply brilliant and is interlaced in his lectures to make them easily understood. Tyberonn and Dr Mickel were recently interviewed on 'News for the Soul'.

Tyberonn and Dr Mickel's work dovetail symmetrically in addressing what may be termed ' Ascension Energy' maladies. Many people are experiencing fatigue, depression due to auric field (EMF) expansion and dysfunction and mental programming that does not allow the issues to be properly recognized and healed.

Register to attend on line at:
Website :
Stewart Mineral Springs Resort
4617 Stewart Springs Road. Weed, CA 96094

The abundance exchange for this 4-day Co Hosted Event is offering a discounted early sign up rate of $399 if you register before 1 August. After 1 August the abundance exchange is $444.

The registration abundance exchange allows for attending the seminar and teaching at the
Conference Center at Stewart Mineral Springs and attendance group work in the Crystal Healing Springs and atop Mount Shasta's incredible Panther Meadows. Hotel rooms, transport, meals and spa use is not included in the registration.

Please register early, as room space at the SMS resort is limited.
Cancellations are accepted up until
12 August 2008, with nonrefundable admin charge of 25% of registration fee.


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